Beamish Kinowerks

The 30+ minutes of musical numbers filmed for James L. Brooks' I'll Do Anything is probably the most significant; it's one of the most second-guessed and test audience-resculpted films ever made. It'll never officially come out, but there are bootlegs of the work print out there. Plus, they paid a shitload for Prince

Dusan Makavejev's brilliant WR: Mysteries of the Organism in 35mm at the Cinefamily

I feel like my life is about to begin again

what if I'm only used to Nintendo products? Won't I be compromising my integrity by purchasing an Xbox or PS4?

I've been away from computer gaming since the days of RIVEN and GRIM FANDANGO. How do I go about doing this again? I don't know anything about Steam and all I own are Macs.

Snail Mail. Wonderful band.

My god-the AV Club is actually discussing good music??

The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil was his first novel (and no, don't give me that shit about a relatively short novel being a "novella"; Americans are too obsessed with the length of a book).

Welles' good friend and frequently collaborator John Huston had his own MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS experience with THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE.

the camera swooping through the mansion doors opening seemingly of their own accord is one of the most ethereal and perfect scenes in motion picture history. Agnes Moorehead's performance is just astonishing as well.

Heart of Darkness didn't shoot at all. You could probably call the recently rediscovered TOO MUCH JOHNSON his first, although it doesn't really work as intended (that is, in conjunction with a stage show). However, it's really well-crafted and features many of the aesthetic touches that defined his later work (e.g.

The Trial, Chimes at Midnight and F for Fake, poorly distributed as they were in the States, are all flawless films that are preserved exactly as he intended, gott sei dank.

Odds Against Tomorrow, Blood on the Moon, The Hindenburg, The Set-Up and The Andromeda Strain, too. He certainly wasn't Welles' equal as a filmmaker, but he made some fine work.

Not really. It came to the fact that his RKO works were expensive films that didn't perform well commercially, and he was busy with so many projects simultaneously that he was unable to have full control over their outcomes.

He was great in The War Zone, but he was part of an excellent ensemble in that

In Latin American territories, it is YO, FRANKENSTEIN

He was always a pretty shit actor who picked awful roles, but his agent simply isn't as talented as Colin Farrell's

Parsons was an occultist, not a "black magic" practitioner (whatever that is).

It's really lazy to dub Thelema/Aleister Crowley fans as practitioners of "black magic".

depressing? I thought it was a relief to see so many forgettable characters die in one fell swoop. Unless Rian Johnson has the freedom to do something really special, Episode 8 will join the pantheon of every other post-Return of the Jedi SW film as being a massive turd.