This issue could clearly only be worked out in court. Abramovitz sued Lee for $300,000 and won. The judge tacked on an extra $50,000 for “her despicable interference in Mr. Abramovitz’s career.”
This issue could clearly only be worked out in court. Abramovitz sued Lee for $300,000 and won. The judge tacked on an extra $50,000 for “her despicable interference in Mr. Abramovitz’s career.”
This is some stellar Whataboutism. If you think the trolling on twitter is at the same level as trolling here at a/v club, then you have no sense of reality what so ever. Yikes.
Also, con-artist bordering on beggar.
Stupid kid with no parental guidance is all I see.
You really are spamming this thread with your bullshit.
You are trying sooo hard to defend this.
Greasy person needs greasy hair.
You sound really mad. Like genuinely angry. Thats weird.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Hot take.
LOL Rome stole its culture from Greece.
Or how this person is homeless specifically because gentrifying transplants like this asshole took their housing.