
When will people realize that most popular music has roots in historically black music? American music is black music.

Rodgers is a good dude. I mentioned this in the other article where this family thing (which is 100% his family’s fault, they’re far-right whackjobs and fameballs) came up but there was an incident a few years ago when the NFL was holding a moment of silence for the victims of the terror attacks in Paris and some

I have to assume that Chrisette Michele is minutes from homelessness and just needs any old gig (she hasn’t had a hit in ten years), because otherwise her performance makes absolutely no sense. There’s no overlap between her fan base (well, former fan base) and Trump supporters. Her music doesn’t have a lot of

They wouldn’t dare invite Kanye. He’s far too unpredictable and his moods and opinions on things and people change drastically these days.

“We have three of the biggest celebrities,” Barrack argued, listing President Obama as number one, the city of D.C. as number two, and president-elect Donald Trump as number three

“WHERE’S OUR MEAL TICKET, AARON????” -his family

There’s always been rumors that he’s kind of aloof, sometimes a jerk, and holds grudges like crazy.

‘Cause he had one hand in her pocket, and the other one was depositing all of her money in a Swiss bank account.

He is due to appear before the Senate for his confirmation hearing as Treasury Secretary on Tuesday…

Now playing

The man puts his name in giant gold letters on everything he owns. You didn’t think he was going to tone it down, did you? I am shocked the letters weren’t bigger and he didn’t have dancers behind him. Like I can imagine from now on whenever he goes into a meeting, especially, if it’s overseas, he will enter the room

The Party will grow stronger than you can possibly imagine. Just consider the possibility that they don’t need anybody competent because the real decisions are being made by special interests who merely want want figureheads throughout the executive branch.

I’m going to John Fluevog, so I can both shop for glorious well-made shoes AND celebrate the loss of that ugly fucking AA store that’s just down the block on Grant St. Good riddance to it and its kiddie-porn sign.

Who needs food when there’s heroin?

Something not from American Apparel. That and they appear to have nothing for the zaftig gentleman.

Yes, and they look like the American Life painting and are a nuclear family. A dig at his racists supporters who think we all come from single parent homes and don’t represent the traditional American family.

This isn’t the first time we’ve had white supremacists in the white house. Black folks can get through this the same way we always have. And this may (almost certainly) be my darker side talking here, but i hope that whites feel a fraction of what blacks and other minorities have and will have to go through and learn

Chicken and waffles with a side of watermelon is not a standard meal anywhere. There is literally no possible meaning for it other than shitty racial stereotype. That is the ONLY thing it means. If she didn’t know the context, she wouldn’t have thought to mention watermelon. Especially considering it’s fucking January

“Like the one I got today: You should know better, you racist scum, I will never eat there for free…You are going to hell, end of story,” Pyle said while reading a message from her phone “It’s hurtful.”

She lives in Texas! How could she not know?