It will suck, buuuuuut, I’m curious how it’ll be played out in the show. Like a lot. Having Mallory dying might make for really excellent Archer... And a great rampage episode ^^
It will suck, buuuuuut, I’m curious how it’ll be played out in the show. Like a lot. Having Mallory dying might make for really excellent Archer... And a great rampage episode ^^
It was actually really personal for me - she was my cousin, and while I didn’t get to know her that well, I loved her work both as a fan and family member. I haven’t been able to watch the show at all since I got the news.
Nova Scotia Duck Trolling Retriever
There were like two episodes where Juliette’s veterinarian expertise was useful & it makes no sense to me why they just dropped that
Bitsie Tulloch as Juliette/ Eve on Grimm always gave her all despite the often awful writing for the character (the amnesia storyline...) It is nice to see her being given first-rate material and knocking it out of the park
Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.
When the movie is released on DVD there will be a fan edit that cuts 30-40 minutes out of the run time and focuses the story on the fashion rivalry, which is the most exciting and visually innovative part of the story. Lose the little kid shit, lose the whole “she’s really your mom” added-on stuff, dial back some of…
...found a pig in his garden, eating his potatoes. The offending pig...
The fact that an Irish man called on British authorities to menace a farmer who was protecting his potatoes is irony wrapped in a second layer of irony and then deep-fried in piping hot molten irony.
“Betty! It’s just you and me now.”
It’ll be as much a problem as it was when X-Men literally opened at Auschwitz: not at all, except for people that don’t matter.
This is money well-spent!
When we finally eat the rich, as least this one will come with a decent wine pairing.
Into that mess? Don’t recall any mess during X-Men, with Magneto’s background.
What exactly is a reboot? I keep seeing the new series referred to as a reboot. Isn’t this a sequel series?
Most of these look pretty good, especially Oswalt as Matthew and Fry as Gilbert. I thought Kristen Bell could have made a good Death, but I liked Howell-Baptise in the Good Place, so we’ll see.
Sounds like they are going to get around the awkwardness of the first collected volume’s connections to the DC universe and superhero characters by just skipping to the second volume, and presumably having some flashbacks to Morpheus’ captivity. Not a bad idea, as that’s speedbump number one in adapting the series.
You know, I think I’m ready to call it, this is the worst this series has ever been.
This assumes that your kitchen (a) wasn’t built in 1930 and (b) is bigger than the average walk-in closet.