we haven’t even seen Sauron in his fair form trick Celebrimbor into making them. I expect that would will be the climax of the season. Though I am a bit shocked that they haven’t set those wheels in motion more substantially yet.
we haven’t even seen Sauron in his fair form trick Celebrimbor into making them. I expect that would will be the climax of the season. Though I am a bit shocked that they haven’t set those wheels in motion more substantially yet.
You write “Tolkien nerd” like it’s a bad thing.
“I’m actually starting to lean further towards the Stranger being Sauron camp, especially after the barkeep took the meteor as a sign for Sauron’s return. The Stranger is a bit too good to be true. What better way to introduce Sauron the Deceiver than to deceive the character and the audience alike?”
A book. Seriously, I carry one everywhere, and the few times I’ve not, thinking “I won’t have time/an opportunity to read!” I’ve seriously regretted it.
Although that itself is a change from the books — Miriel was like her father and on the side of elves, and never actually becomes queen because of Pharazon. Perhaps she will warm to the elves and see Sauron as a threat (or not believe him if he starts convincing Numenoreans he’s really very sorry for his sins), and…
Maybe he read the books a while ago, and so he doesn’t remember them as well, but yeah — that passage is all kinds of wrong.
Sautéing them in butter sounds delicious, but it’s not the only way to solve this problem. I just made an apple pie using a recipe that had me toss the cut apples in sugar, spices, and a little cider vinegar, and let it sit for at least three hours. Then I added flour and poured the accumulated liquid into a small…
Maybe I can sell them through Facebook Marketplace.
I’m not as obsessed with the original as some are, and I don’t think a sequel is necessary, but I had a smile on my face from the moment Bette Midler said “We’re back.”
Well, I can sleep well tonight knowing a subreddit would approve of my TV set-up. Of course, no one is talking about the downside of TVs at seated eye level -- the tendency for little kids to wander in front of the screen, blocking one’s view.
Hey, NobodyWillEverKnow, I just wanted to let you know I really appreciate your thoughtful and lengthy answers here.
Arnor was the northern kingdom. I’d like to see dramatization of that; there are lots of intriguing stories Gandalf and Aragon hint at, and the appendices touch on.
Not everyone wants promotions or advancements, and that’s fine.
We still have a landline, run by my cable service rather than my cellphone service. Having experienced the occasional outage with each service, I like having a back-up.
The Morning Show is deeply flawed, but better and more interesting than it’s given credit for. That ridiculous Italian filmmaker aside, I liked Carrell’s storyline, especially the way at various points he seemed on the verge of grokking why what he did was so bad before swinging back to self-pity.
I continue to be mystified that no article about this movie mentions the A.S. Byatt story it is based on.
So, will you be recommending the no. 14, a liverwurst and marmalade sandwich?
In general pork and apples are a great combo.
I figured it out when we saw Poppy’s backstory, immediately followed by Charles saying Cinda knew Poppy’s identity from the beginning (not in those words). But we didn’t see Poppy actually tell Cinda that, so I decided Poppy was the real killer. But that’s not a reason internal to the show.
Yes. Ages ago I saw a local (to Boston) musician play, and after I commented how cool it was that he was successful. My friend’s boyfriend said he didn’t see how he was — not on the charts, not on TV, no national audience — but my point was that he was able to make a genuine living touring the Northeast and selling…