
I’m reading Damoren, about demon hunters with special weapons. The obsessive detail over said weapons is a bit much, but I’m enjoying all the different mythological creatures. I also just started (finally) How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe.

Ha, silver linings!

Oh, this sounds so good. But my husband won’t eat cheese, my middle son will only eat the Stop & Shop brand (with cheese sauce, not the powder, and only if it’s elbow noodles), and my youngest has recently declared he thinks mac & cheese is too cheesy.

As cliched and predictable as it would be, having Worf show up in the Defiant to save the day would make my day.

Serious props to Hank Azaria for admitting he was wrong on this, and taking seriously what others had to say.

That’s why I’m rooting for Louise/Rudy marriage when they grow up; they are just what the other needs.

Oatmeal and chocolate is an amazing combination. I’ll often stir a tablespoon of chips and a good-sized dash of cinnamon into a bowl of oatmeal. Breakfast of champions!

Incidentally, the bouncing pearls thing has driven me nuts for decades. A strand of real pearls — even decent quality glass pearls — is knotted between each bead both for aesthetics and so that if the strand ever breaks you lose only a pearl or two at most. Where was Martha Wayne getting her cheap-ass beads?

I don’t see it that way. Yeah, in the show it’s Heaven/The Good Place, but I never thought this show was really about what Heaven actually is. It’s about life. And these guys had just about the best life possible, by the end — they healed, they became better people, they helped others, they experienced true love and

I absolutely adored that scene. Both the Devil and MRA types hate to be mocked.

I laughed for a good five minutes at this. And then finally joined Kinja to say so.