Ah yes, that’s Kobe, always sacrificing individual success for the good of the team.
Ah yes, that’s Kobe, always sacrificing individual success for the good of the team.
The beauty of this revelation is that we have two legendary white players, from the Celtics, no less — revered for “playing the game the right way” during the sport’s golden era — valuing personal gain and money over whatever team goals their BLACK coach had drawn up. Brilliant.
You aren’t the target audience for these shows, you do realize.
I really enjoyed sakamoto manga, i hope the anime tops it
I really feel bad for gamers these days. Growing up in the arcade days in the early 80's most games had zero story. Joust, pacman and just about anything else at the time had no story yet people played them. wasn’t until dragons lair came out that story was ever important.
Luckily she is White. If she was any non-White hue, at minimum she would have been tased and beaten to a pulp; but, more likely would have been riddled with 5.56 and 9mm hollow-point.
I cannot get behind this pick, it seems like a waste when the GOP is going to block anybody. Why not go with someone that we -already voted- him to put in; to turn over the crazy conservative death grip on the SCOTUS, not give them a fighting chance to keep screwing the country. Garland was dubbed by Faux News the…
“Fuck. So close.”
I’m guessing that this game is going to be a disaster of Spirits Within proportions and they aren’t going to be able to go back and fix it like they had to with FF 14.
I’ve always been more a fan of the poor-man’s door alarm; a cup full of change balanced on the doorknob
I’m not spending $10 on a game that’s 18 years old when Star Wars titles are notorious for going on 75-80% sales every time Steam does a seasonal sale.
God, I can’t wait for this to go on sale for $2.
I don’t know if I’d call it “buddy-buddy”, as much as trying to open up dialogue between the countries.
My most popular noises to make at Shelter:
Shelter and Shelter 2 are games where you play as a mother badger and lynx respectively, and they are specifically designed to make you cry, because you have to care for tiny baby animals and the world is very big and mean.
I’ve gotta say, to anybody who ever thought mobile might spell the end for other areas of gaming, I feel totally vindicated for having long called BS on that. Early on, there was a sense that we’d maybe someday see an evolution in mobile gaming, a renaissance where it moved away from all of the trashy, money-grabbing…
I got into Walking Dead for a bit (it’s got obsure comic characters how can I not?!). Once you drop $30 on shit and get NOTHING, literally nothing from it you kinda feel not not spending money on this crap anymore.
This is why I basically stopped doing it. I’d love to be able to play old games on my new PS consoles, but I’m not rebuying them every time they release a new console to play literally the same game I could play by just not being too lazy to hook up my old consoles, or simply emulate them.
Agree totally... great example re: the likeability:
Don’t forget, he puts ropes around his Lamborghini too.