
I am a self-scan pro. Also, you can start scanning right away, you usally dont have to hit ‘start’ and you also dont have to hit ‘pay now’ just swipe your card. Not sure with cash, but you can either start putting cash in at any time or hit pay now and put cash in and not have to select ‘cash’. This saves time for

Why cant they make the damn paperwhite on sale. This thing is cheaper than even the paperwhite, what the heck! I want a paperwhite for $80!

Why cant they make the damn paperwhite on sale. This thing is cheaper than even the paperwhite, what the heck! I

Ha, beat me to it, I was going to say, ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’

I have to be honest, when I post jobs on Craigslist, where they are listed in chronological order and cost $25 each time, I wait until around 9pm or so to post a job because it will stay at the top the longest (12 hrs near the top or at the top). When I post in the morning its on the 2nd page by lunch time.

When are some people going to realize 32g of sugar in coke isn't the same as 32g of sugar from a banana/strawberries. If you try to say 'a smoothie is as bad as a can of coke' you are an idiot.

If you thought I was referring to you you are dumb.

About damn time. I'm tired of only being punished and not rewarded. I've talked about this for years. I pay all my other bills on time, rent, cell, electric etc. My score doesn't imporve because these don't get reported. (or at least calculated into your score). Now my credit can go up.

I think it's sad that over $92K in Florida I guess is upper class. and $30K is middle class (that is pretty poor).

Really tho? No Tropico? The Sims1? before 2003 both.

I’ve apparently been playing the sims all wrong...

use your brains. Even if they did store your password, its kind of useless info without a username or website to go with it.

I am curious what that thing is too

See that russian roulette thing confuses me. Because yes technically it resets to a 50/50 chance. There are only 2 outcomes, bullet fires, or bullet doesnt fire. so that's 50/50. But at the same time, that is not the total odds, because there are only 6 chambers. So 1/6th chance, that increase after each trigger pull.

So, what you're saying is that we should buy the R9 295X2? That is what it looks like.

Whats wrong with having the best house on the block? I love when I see that shit. THe king of the neighborhood!

Dude I can't find this stuff anymore, where do you buy it? I guess I could prob get it online...

Dude I can't find this stuff anymore, where do you buy it? I guess I could prob get it online...

Day 2 first person Mod. ALREADY.

LOL over 100 page manual.

LOL over 100 page manual.

LOL over 100 page manual.