
the amazon Kindle doesnt come with an AC adapter either I dont get it, its bullshit and a way for them to squeeze more money out of you.

nvmmm, last pass is there

This sounds like total bullshit (but then again, the IRS is bullshit) but I refuse to believe it. Debt isn't income. I get taxed on the money I MAKE, as in my paycheck. Don't see what this debt has anything to do with. That would cause double taxation on my income. once when I get paid (income tax taken out), and then

Hmm, not a bad deal then. Just not sure if I should.

Hmm, not a bad deal then. Just not sure if I should.

What if I already have prime? Will it add to the next year or what?

What if I already have prime? Will it add to the next year or what?

I don't get it?

The funny thing is, I downloaded FC3, enjoyed that game so damn much that I went on to purchase Blood Dragon and FC4 that I never would have purchased or had any interest in before.

The funny thing is, I downloaded FC3, enjoyed that game so damn much that I went on to purchase Blood Dragon and FC4 that I never would have purchased or had any interest in before.

And how do they know about your purchase history? Because they get paid everytime you click one of their amazon product links (and buy something) ;)

And how do they know about your purchase history? Because they get paid everytime you click one of their amazon

I am trying it now, and while it is decent, it is incredibly slow. It only downloads 1 thing at a time, and (of course, due to windows limitations) only installs 1 thing at a time. But it could be downloading everything in the background while installing.

Why do you fucking care so much? You sound jealous with envy. Its his money. Just because you live in the ghetto on a 100K house and buy thrift store clothing to be 'humble' doesnt mean everyone else should live like you.

lol you don't understand what a billion dollars is, let alone 2.5 billion. $70 million, he could buy 35 of these houses. 35 of the most expensive houses... 35 doesnt sound like a big number.. he only spent 3% of his entire earnings to buy the most expensive house in the city. It still is hard to grasp even for me.

Well we now know he sure isn't humble.

Ive downloaded the Interview and anyone who isn't a pussy can come watch it, to prove nothing will happen. I'll post the address later!

I cant get off this site now...

I wouldnt keep my "job" because I strive to be able to be my own boss and not answer to anybody. I'd buy a business (or 2) and do that. Doesn't matter if I worked at Google or something.

"It's probably best to stay way from clones and to seek out the many established and well-regarded torrent trackers out there. (They're very easy to find.)"
Way to be a lazy journalist. What may be easy for you may not for others. I personally don't know who to trust anymore.

God damnit, I just bought a hardcover book like 3 days ago.

God damnit, I just bought a hardcover book like 3 days ago.

You try to hug an aggressive squirrel. It wasn't as fun as it sounds.

Yeah but my question is, how much do these services cost on TOP of the cost of all the parts. Like if all the parts cost $1500, how much more do I have to pay to have them build that?