I’ve been looking into relocating to Wakanda, myself.
I’ve been looking into relocating to Wakanda, myself.
I read or heard somewhere this weekend, and I wish I could remember where it was, that during times like these, everyone should be keeping a journal and just writing down the way things are- so that as our country slips into totalitarianism, and democracy is lost, we can remember what life was like. That is to say…
“A lot of people were watching the magazine show to try to get a sense of her appeal to the daytime demographic and a sense of how she would be outside of the Fox environment”
She is a terrible person with occasional brief flashes of humanity if it affects her personally.
Here’s my hot take prediction: at least two actors will win Oscars for playing Trump within the next 20 years. And what performances they will be! He’s truly the Henry VIII of our time (or Richard Nixon, for that matter).
I’M glad anti-domestic violence activists are coming out agsinst it. Any person of color releasing this would have been labeled a violent thug but i guess its not threatening coming from this Aryan goddess and Breitbart fave.
The whole thing reminds me of when Brittany the ditzy cheerleader on Daria went goth for an evening.
Besides everything else, that Taylor Swift song is just really terrible, right?
Yessssssss! Just had to blast some idiot about this. All these mean-well white folk saying this is equivalent to the “many sides” Trump bullshit and “Will somebody, please, think of the white people”. No. White people gonna be alright even when outed as racists so what the fuck makes you think they aren’t gonna be…
“To milk an almond” killed me.
Black Twitter is the best Twitter. I’ve got nothing to contribute myself, being extra-white, but I enjoy the genius thoroughly.