
Tire life impacted. Fact. Brake life impacted. Fact. Differential, axle, U joint, and clutch experienced stress and took away service life there also. The owner should be given a new car. When someone buys a car and babies it no one should be allowed to rob that from them. They no longer own a car that has never been

I was debating posting the funny republican Jesus memes or quoting my favorite passage from Frederick Douglass

Why does Snap need a head of global security? Who or what needed securing?

Build a wall at the three point line and make Golden State pay for it. Shut down the NBA until they agree to do so.

Why can’t Americans take a step back and make the simple observation that despite the proliferation of fad diets, obesity rates continue to rise?

I’m going to submit an unpopular opinion, but one that’s both sincerely held and absolutely true: Pontiac was awful and needed to go. Every car they made since GM killed the Fiero—and most before then—was just a Chevy with different body panels and/or superfluous plastic cladding and fake hood scoops. Pontiac only “bui

If it were that high, and someone offered to pay you $200,000 to do something, would you do it for $18,000 if you already made $10 million that year?

Most people with a net worth of$10 million dollars can live just fine for the rest of their lives. Making that much every year still puts people under the threshold.

I have no personal thoughts on pouch vs cylindrical. But from an engineering point of view cylinder cells are fantastic for managing heat and this primarily means they don’t expand. An cylinder cell will have very little swell and can take drops much better. They also have a harder shell.

Battery engineer: my understanding is the deep partnerships with Panasonic and the long term R&D that was done by Samsung (and other cell manufacturers) means technology should be available to all. The big leg up Tesla has is the manufacturing of these cells, either they will be the group who sells these cells to the


No it is still has a worse interior than a cx5 and the dealer experience is more Turkish prison than Turkish bath. 

Personally, I only travel with a clutch of Cullinans (3+) at any given time.

in part because of his health and in part because he wants to spend more time with family.

Vastly underappreciated. 

FBI Agents 1 and 2: [arrest Bell]

I’ve seen the Model 3 in person here in New York with more frequency. I’ve seen it up close, as well. It looks nice. The screen is obviously the big draw. Take out the screen and what do you have? A nice interior but not an exquisite interior. Then again, all the Tesla interiors are nice but not on the level of some

You start off the article perfectly - it is best to do a fresh install, and I just wanted to double down on that. “Yes” it can be annoying having to redownload and configure stuff, but guess what, if something critical is to ever happen to your system, what better time to put together a BACK-UP? When I was in college

You know what’s not insane or permanent but still covers your chest with a design? a t shirt