Population of England and Wales 66,000,000 est.
Population of England and Wales 66,000,000 est.
Never betting nfl games again FUCK
This is why we come back! Thank you!
Buick needs to lose their outdated logo, stop having commercials where people say “holy shit this car is kind of nice and BUICK made that?!?” and actually put out something fucking interesting
That interior is amazing. I wasnt considering an e class before but now i definitely am
And i was talking about the cyclical economy not the cyclical underemployment (?) which isnt actually a thing
Actually underemployment has nothing to do with foreign workers. It is people in the workforce working jobs that they are over qualified for , i.e the college graduate working at target as a cashier
Oh and if makes you feel better there are people in their 20's that actually understand this shit!
Lol if martinis actually looked at the underemployment rate or understood cyclical elements of the economy he would realize that all the insults in the world that he threw at you still doesnt make him correct
The headline is stupid and misleading. However if you read tylers statement after the video he doesnt give an opinion one way or another.
Tyler. Your paragraph after the video is exactly why i come here. Really well written.
Lol i wish. $14.50 a pack now
Gotta add another 4k to that price to paint it just like wll hough’s. That thing is fucking GORGEOUS.
Uh wouldnt connor forefit the belt if he went up in weight class?
The best part is that he used a past due bill to cover up part of his carry permit! Everythings coming up shaun smith!
Yes. The NBC article states that it was a live fire exercise
This is a compliment right?! RIGHT?!
I didnt even think of the steam valave angle and i think you're spot on. They need to appease those nutjobs so they dont end up doing something disastrously stupid