Uhhh, since when does anyone that builds anything give a crap about what's right for the community? My town just got done tearing down 100 year old pecan trees to widen the 2 lane road by my house and moving the power lines near my bedroom window.
Uhhh, since when does anyone that builds anything give a crap about what's right for the community? My town just got done tearing down 100 year old pecan trees to widen the 2 lane road by my house and moving the power lines near my bedroom window.
Ok, the park cut the tree down after they discovered the chainsaw damage. So where's the part where the park installs video cameras so they can see who was going to steal the tree?
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best thing I've seen all day!
Colt 45! BLORF!
See those tiny little ads on the right side of the window? They're about to get a whole lot bigger.
That's like Paranormal Activity creepy!
Oh, I thought you meant automobile traffic. There's nothing like cute kittens driving cars.
If you don't vote, someone else will vote for you.
Why can't the IRS simply put a lien on his shares of the company until the bill is paid?
Da dum tshhhhhhh!
It's not unreasonable. If he walked into your house and showed you this without it being used in the real world would you hand over all of your money for 49% on what someone "thinks" is worth billions?
We do manufacturing and I deal with inventors all the time. I can't believe how many great ideas never see the light of day because the inventors think they have come up with the best idea ever created and have major attitude problems. They don't know the manufacturing limitations and how things are made in the real…
There's only 1 more cat name needed for 10.9 and then it's just iOS.
Don't get it. Is it a shark jumping through a landfill in the shape of a pizza slice?
Just arrest these motherfuckers already.
Not to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
Yep, I saw a bag of chips today that had "corn sugar" in the ingredients. I've seen the commercials, "It's the same as regular sugar". Not fooling me!
Look at the size of that HUGE DICK on stage. Oh and his singing sucked.
How much Hollywood experience do you need to know you are going to come out of a commercial any second?
Pull back that middle layer and you won't have to get up to pee!