Wow they were way ahead of their time. Too bad cable had a 5 year leap on them.
Wow they were way ahead of their time. Too bad cable had a 5 year leap on them.
Yeah but the UK has things that the US doesn't have. Like hotdog stuffed pizzas.
Promote this. It's genius.
You get what you pay for and there's no faking it.
Now if that were a water slide I wouldn't hear any bitching.
LOL I can't stop laughing.
Doesn't get any better than this...
Kind of makes me a disgruntled employee with access to the projector was there today.
Doesn't this depend on who owns the domain? Certainly the company that owns the domain isn't going to give you permission to take down their site.
As you get older and realize the time you waste you can never get back, then you grow the balls.
I simply avoid walking through weeds and brush. Problem solved. You're willing to do it again so I have no sympathy.
I own this.
As much as I would love to see this movie, I absolutely refuse to watch it with that moronic title. Jobs: Get Inspired. WTHF?
My boss is the worst I know of. "My computer isn't working again". Well, let's see... you have so many browser tabs open you can't even read what they are anymore, 9 unfinished emails minimized to the dock, and every single application on your computer running. Try rebooting.
If I could promote this, I would.
I'm left-handed AND gay. OMG! I'm rare.
How about the microwave?
Mac OSX allows you to overwrite the hard drive with DOD quality 7 times.
Sony had a vision but then hit a wall and couldn't envision anything else. Apple will eventually hit the same wall and then some other company will rule.
This isn't unusual. If you wanted to send something by FedEx to your next door neighbor, it has to go though Louisville, Kentucky first.