
Sooooo no more “rubbin’ is racin’”?

From the ashes, they will rise.

Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.

“Oh so now everyone who has a swatstika tattoo is a racist?”

A lot of NBA teams choose not to crash the boards with their guards, prioritizing transition defense (which he didn’t do either, but the point stands). And a team with an offensive rebounder as tenacious as Drummond definitely doesn’t need a PG to crash.

Honestly, either has 95% of the commenters on Kotaku.

This is the only franchise that makes me want a Playstation.

Pooping time is for reading, not listening. Nobody’s out there grabbing their headphones and firing up Pandora on their way to take a dump.

Goddamn it. I can’t very well listen to a podcast while I’m pooping at work, now can I?

Damn it, you truthers are so fast to comment!

By promoting this comment, I’m giving Poopnachos more views, thereby validating him in his own mind

The solution to disproportionate responses by the government to persons of color is not to call for disproportionate responses by the government to white people. It’s to stop disproportionate responses against persons of color.

And let’s not forget ESPN’s MNF ‘personalities’ screeching “You just got ... JACKED UP!” in that oblivious pre-show segment from not too long ago...

He just jumped to #1 on Jerry Jones draft board (and heart).

First generation Viper. It would be interesting to hear about something that could kill you and it would give you enough room to find a second car. Like the Hummer/GT-R.

The Joke.

Dear Mr. Watt,