
The best thing they did with his character was later reveal him to be a competent agent with surprising depth. His lecture to Arnold about Curtis cheating landed with unexpected emotion. “What did you expect, Harry? She’s a flesh and blood woman and you’re never around.”  It’s also what set the pretend spy plot thread

I mean they are shaped like suppositories.

I thought the second was as well, taking the events of the first and expanding the characters’ world.

Fun story - we moved into a new house just before Halloween and a group of young kids came by with their parents. Our puppy tried to run out and we start yelling (dog’s name) - “NO! NO!” This little girl in the group starts crying because it turns out she had the same name and thought we were yelling at her. One of

I think they’re a lot of fun. Yes the plots are for elementary-aged kids but the animation and inspired silliness are perfectly entertaining. It doesn’t hurt to see your kids laughing their heads off either.  There are plenty of “plop them down and keep them quiet for 90 minutes” movies out there, and these are better

That’s what I saw thinking as well, plus sometimes I think they do break into other actual languages.  They throw in just enough semi-decipherable words to keep up with what they’re talking about.  Reminds me of Brad Pitt in Snatch.

I’m not even sure I would call it purposeful stupidity so much as chaos, and a lead who is good at one thing (being a villain) but clueless at everything else.  It’s just fun.  Kids like fun.

I think they’ll all a lot of fun, and the first two especially tell great stories that actually deepen all characters involved. They’re for sure a blast to look at. These are kids’ movies that are not painful for parents to sit through and I think the numbers bear this out.

For sure.  Nothing wrong with a tight comedy.  At all.

I was making a stupid joke and had no idea you were serious. Apologies for any offense.

Huh.  OK I’ll pay for the drink but them I’m moving on.

In the act?

I also hear she planned the entire operation and killed every one of those people herself.  

It made me sad that someone who seemed so full of joy and enthusiasm felt he needed to gradually remove himself from public life.

Sweet, bareback!

I’m taking offers.

Condom is probably a bad comparison since the time from wrapper to use can usually be measured in microseconds.


Not a fan of Baldwin (the man, that is; plenty of good performances) but...good. The suggestion that he was responsible for not doing someone else’s job was ludicrous from the beginning.