I admittedly don’t know who a lot of those people are, but I would have expected Mulaney and Kroll to generally know stuff. Of the remainder I’d put the most money (again among the people I know) on Braff and Faison.
I admittedly don’t know who a lot of those people are, but I would have expected Mulaney and Kroll to generally know stuff. Of the remainder I’d put the most money (again among the people I know) on Braff and Faison.
Especially the implication that many probably do not.
Yeah I mean didn’t he know the answer?
Ernst & Young. It’s the largest of the big 4 global accounting firms, and I believe their tax preparation group did the study. IIRC millionaire also meant $1 million or more liquid, not total net assets. A lot of people are house millionaires after prices ran up the way they have.
I don’t know about the queer part - I think it was because her public persona was SUCH a happy and silly woman, then her fans were confronted with the fact when the cameras were off she treated the people who made the show happen like shit.
Ha, my firm hires young CPAs all the time who spent three years at accounting firms and would sooner kill themselves than be auditors for life.
As others have noted, Nicholson portrays Jack as already 90% of the way to murderous psycho rather than a decent man who is increasingly manipulated by the spirits of the Overlook. There’s no arc to his character.
Just posted something similar above - I can’t begin to think of another actress with the physical resemblance to play that role, never mind nail the part itself.
I’m not sure there was a woman alive more suited to playing Olive Oyl.
THAT I will put on Kubrick. His expression in the scene where they’re driving up to the Overlook was one of a man already seriously contemplating the murder of his family. I’m assuming he was instructed to look that way. And Duvall looked like a battered woman terrified to say anything at all to him. I love the movie…
By “dusting” I was referring to Obama, not Trump. But the EC is what counts in presidential politics, and Trump’s 304-227 win was not exactly a narrow margin of victory.
Anti-nepotism rules apply to a company hiring the relative of an existing employee - not the same as using personal connections
What’s funny is looking at recent photos she’s definitely had some work done, but appears to be made up here to look even more plastic-y
But isn’t that just howling at the moon? What you’re talking about is true in every industry, world-wide. Heck getting a union card used to be dependent upon having a family member with connections to leadership.
Actually a study by E&Y some years back found that 88% of U.S. millionaires were self-made. That doesn’t mean there weren’t helpful connections or supportive families, but at least it wasn’t inherited.
Because it falls into the victimhood narrative. Because nepo actor A landed a role, someone else was wronged.
He falls into the category of nepos who are able to occasionally leverage their names into being cast in z-grade crap because the producers hope recognition might drive a handful more people to the movies, or help scrape together funding in the first place. I’ve heard of Joe Estevez but couldn’t name a single thing…
Eh, I don’t know that Lorne would keep them around if consensus was their work sucked.
Plus there are so many Hollywood actors that if all it took to be successful and book roles was a last name, there wouldn’t be room for anyone NOT connected by birth.