She had the benefit of seeing how the first couple of books sold before the movies went into production. There were at least two books published by the time she sold the movie rights.
She had the benefit of seeing how the first couple of books sold before the movies went into production. There were at least two books published by the time she sold the movie rights.
Especially in situations like this, where the only connection to the person in question is acting in one of the movies based upon her books. There was zero need for Rowling to say anything at all here.
Not just getting into, inserting herself into.
It definitely seems to be one that brings very little joy to the people who are good at it. I guess it’s so competitive to keep a restaurant open that without that constant drive things can go sideways in a hurry.
There are a few period-appropriate comments that stick out (possibly on purpose, like when the Schooner Tuna guy calls Garr a “little lady” while in the process of complimenting her) but in general the movie was smart enough to make the men the butts of the jokes. The neighborhood women have their systems absolutely…
So...sounds like transitioning power back to the people via the Senate turned to shit pretty damn quickly, if you’ve already got a new corrupt set of co-Emperors (however that works).
The building where they filmed the upside-down kiss is on the Universal Studio lot tour. Apparently they had to stuff Maguire’s nose with Vaseline-smeared cotton to keep the water from running up it and all of his dialogue from the scene is dubbed because he sounded about like you’d expect.
Boondock, hands-down.
Ledger’s work in the scene where he busts into the big criminal conference and demands half their money is tremendous. The look he shoots when one of them calls him insane especially. “I’m not.”
Top 5 or so best-ever superhero movies is a pretty crowded field and tough to pick out just one. Original Superman, Dark Knight, Iron Man are all up there for me (and I’m far from a completist so I’m sure there is a pile of others that people would put in that company).
That whole Saturday Morning cartoons theme song cover album is a treasure. Probably about as 90s a collection of artists as you’ll ever find.
That was still getting run when this Gen X’er was a kid. The animation re-use rate across scenes was probably 50%. Basically any time he was going anywhere you got the same footage. But yeah, great and memorable song that I can still sing to this day.
I feel like that coffin got nailed shut with an automatic nail gun, given how many shitty superhero movies there have been the last few years. No one film did the deed, a genre that was already feeling oversaturated finally ran out of gas.
Closing in on 200 so far. Been a while since I saw that.
Yeah my take is that most nepo babies (and god I hate that label) you’ve actually heard of have enough talent to justify continuing to get cast. Gets you in the door, but won’t keep you around if you suck. She seems like the exception.
Hey now, North Face is pretty good gear.
I’d never heard of her before 50 Shades and thought she was pretty badly miscast - not that I’ve read or seen it*, but given the subject matter you’d expect someone who at least hinted at some latent sexuality. I’m with you that she does nothing for me as an actress. A superhero movie especially needs leads…
And Shaquille O’Neal’s Giant Sentient Penis
We still use “north to drop off, asshole!” and “you’re doing it wrong!” regularly around our house. That movie is flat hysterical front to back. Plus...mmmm, Teri Garr