
I have to think that marketing dollars attracted to a site with greater engagement would swamp what they could make from subscriptions. How may people do you think would pay $5 a month for an AV Club subscription? A few thousand at best? So $15k a month, being optimistic. That’s nothing compared to the ad dollar

Also, I start with the feet. So 6'3" quickly falls under the radar.

I don’t know if it’s deliberate, but putting Reinsve (whom I’ve barely heard of) in the role played in the movie by Greta Scacchi seems like a misfire. It made more sense that he would break down and cheat with a coworker who was so overtly hot and sexual.

First, I’d say volume. Grisham, once published with The Firm and then being able to sell A Time to Kill on its coattails, published every couple of years. Most are excellent beach reads. Turow’s are not only fewer and further between, but more dense.

I’m not sure that’s true in terms of the real world (i.e. outside social media and talking head-land). A majority of Republicans have supported gay marriage for a while now, as long as churches are not required by law to perform the services. It’s generally a more libertarian view on the matter.

As a Gen X’er myself, my perspective has long been that corporate activism via advertising is performative at best, allowing companies to look like they care while conducting business as usual. I’d be curious to hear from members of the LGBT+ community whether these campaigns actually make them more likely to buy

Watched the trailer and it somehow made all of this look boring.  Just go watch Blow again if you want to conserve your time.

Don’t trust tall, handsome, fit men.

That scene sent me to the bathroom multiple times as well.  Knowwhattimean?

Kidman’s face is finally settling into something resembling normalcy since that fright mask she had done a few years ago. She needs an intervention to be sure she doesn’t try it again.

On the roster of Band / Album / Song all with the same name.

Okay, now that I’ve recovered from the surprise of this being reintroduced...

Already happened.

When comment sections were being shut down at Root and Jezebel and AVC was circling towards shallow clickbait nonsense, I assumed that was going to be pretty much it and I’d have to find something else to do with my online pop culture time.  This is my favorite website and I feel like it’s gotten a pardon from

I don’t have a good answer for that in terms of specific platform names, but remember that even pre-Disqus the standard system allowed for nested comments that made following conversations easy and entertaining. Kinja literally makes no sense as a platform.

Who Charted?

Remember when we all thought Disqus was a piss-poor commenting system?  Living history that it can always be worse.

FUCK. YES. I’ll post ideas later but for now...

Reason.  Thanks for noticing.

Driving me crazy too!