I love those bizarro-world “2021 Champs!” t-shirt photos.
I love those bizarro-world “2021 Champs!” t-shirt photos.
Honestly surprised to hear that. Their bombastic music is ideal for the setting. Maybe festivals are more their scene.
I assume that’s why they use such a low percentage of market value as the threshold. Plus then they can repair and resell it on a salvage title (or ship it out of the country) and recoup a meaningful portion of the claim amount.
I bought a car with a salvage title after it was returned to a California dealer as a lemon because the buyer claimed an error light came on three different times. The dealer was never able to replicate it, but by law they had to take it back. It was a loaner for about 14k miles with no subsequent issues, passed…
100%. I had a similar experience with what to the naked eye looked like a fender-bender. Between airbags, tech and the proscribed repair procedures for the car, what appeared to be a few thousand of damages ended up in the mid-teens. Car = totaled.
I found that the only leverage you have is not signing to release the car from the holding yard. I was able to extract a few extra thousand from my insurance company by stretching out the process (a hassle, yes, but I also had a free rental for 30 days). They REALLY want to clear the claims off their desks.
Airbags all over the inside of the vehicle add a lot as well. It costs something like $5,000 to replace them if they go off.
I had a similar experience (well, my daughter did) in a VW Tiguan. It looked like a fender-bender, no airbags, but it also has to have the roof removed to fix a slight bend to the door frame. Three year-old car with what appears to be superficial damage, totaled.
All true, but I expect the other drivers in the area are pleased that someone this dumb and careless is off the streets.
Plus this courthouse appears to be in the middle of Ann Arbor, right next to the school. I expect there was available bus service.
People talk about the DMV as a representative cross-section of humanity, but if you want to see real stupidity in action go sit in one of these courts for a morning.
Judges in these low-level courts have seen pretty much everything so I expect his poker face is well practiced at this point.
I really hope McHale shows up at the restaurant and tells Carmy he has to calm down, he’s acting like a nut.
It’s definitely a bit better. Whatever she does, it’s time to lay off any further work. We don’t want a Courtney Cox situation on our hands.
I expect AF still draws pretty well, their shows are events. Kinda surprised Tame Impala could fill an arena, though.
It’s still way up my list, just haven’t gotten to it yet.
And here I was thinking her face looked like it was finally starting to relax a little. I guess everything’s relative.
Fair point, especially since Ticketmaster now also controls the secondary market.
You nailed it with the concessions. The venues saw those ticket prices and were like “cut me in on that!!” Beers are $15 and mixed drinks $20.
Can’t believe it took someone this long. Bye bye, Enormodome.