
I remember when this story broke 2 days ago.. find something new please. 

She has been accused of this crap many times.. but no one cares because it doesnt fit the narrative of the country right now. 

Hopefully he some how knows the Clinton’s or Epstiens and gets himself suicided by force 

As usual Stephen writes about Kapernick again and again.. but chooses to leave out that 2 teams have offered him jobs that he turned down..  No denied by the teams, offered millions of dollars to come have a chance to compete for a starting position as the back up but he said no because he KNEW he is was just a back

well Ray, Outside of the rare boxing article on this tire fire of a web grouping... I can honestly say, though I hold out hope and disagree with you this is one of the first well written articles I have ever seen here. Good for you!

I love living in Buffalo as a Giants fan.  Because even the years we suck and I am all bent out of shape, I just need to look around and see that it can be sooooooooooooo much worse. 

Listen Tiger did way worse and everyone thinks he is a God... sooooo this guy may be the worlds best golfer coming out of this incident. 

This is interesting. As a 2014 Mazda CX-5 owner I am looking to trade it in for an Stelvio in the Spring. Nothing against my CX-5 its an AMAZING car that *knock on wood never had any issues over the past 5 years. From what I am seeing people get them and then want to hold them until they fall apart and sadly for

this article seems like it would be helpful but I dont have the time to read it. 

He is going to make so much money when he sues Marvel and Disney for stealing his ideas and claiming them as Thanos’s.  This man is a genius to see that coming YEARS ago!  oh yeah I hope he gets the shit kicked out of him every hour for the rest of his life. 

All presidents were racist.. ALL, yes Obama set back race relations horribly with his failure to be a person speaking to unite all races and rather created a divide out of fear to act. Ohhh yeah don’t forget about Abe, he was known for being a huge racist and told racist jokes constantly. The world is bad ok, everyone

Me: Ummm not worth it, ill stream anything I want on a fire stick app.

Fuck you Tom.  That looks very sincere, this is the mans life on the line here and many players truly do care about the game, team, city and fans. There is a KNOWN issue about this type of test and it having false results. So take your butt hurt attitude and please get a different job and stop pretending here. We are

Why are you a grown man getting butt hurt about a Frozen poster?

Pacman Jones looks different these days, but still getting in trouble. 

Clickbait... I want a video showing a pro throwing a ball the length of the field for a goal not a theoretical BS.  .. title chang to “What if a goalie could throw the ball in for a goal” 

As a Giants fan... is aw we put him right next to Jimmy Hoffa 

Cant believe this trash is still allowed to happen where animals are tortured. As an animal lover and a Giants fan I wish he got gored.

My Mayor (large city in NY but not NYC) defrauded the city, took money from the schools and was re-elected because people are dumb. Oh yeah he covered it up too with the help of our Governor. All politics are bad MmmKay

First off the original was ok at best. EVERTHING after that has been total shit.. and if he wants to blame the Rock why don’t we go back to F&F2 where he had a line “Ejecto Seato” That was the death of the series right there. The fact they made a 3rd let alone another 54 sequels blows my mind. If you have paid to