
soooooo to sum up .. practice 

might???  it 100% was.  Granted he was getting beat up pretty bad in the second round but the eye was due to blowing the nose there is nothing to question here. 

Ok the Root is at it again. First off this woman is a horrible POS and deserves to Burn for her crimes, that I cannot argue. I hope she gets everything she deserves when it comes to punishment. That being said, how much of what we see on a Netflix show is actually true (not denying her guilt but lets hold out a little

My spotify normal app has a radio style play on it since... Always.. not sure i really understand this.  I pick an artist I like and then hit shuffle and their music and music much like that said artist plays.  Just like Pandora and its been that way for years

stop letting fans sit on the court and this issue goes away of stupid fans, celebrity interference and fan/player injuries. 

of course this is a Stephen Crockett POS article. For the 100th time I written on your posts that never get published. Colin was offered several jobs as a QB in the NFL but he turned them down wanting top 10 QB money which he is not worth. He is a solid back up QB with his skill set and if he would accept that reality

Soooo he also traveled by picking up his pivot foot but dont let the truth get in the way of a good story.

This is BS. I am all for a livable wage but F That. If this stuff passes I deserve from the government a refund for my student loans and interest from both of my degrees that I spent over $100k on to help educate me and set me apart from my peers. I am sorry but flipping a burger does not equate to $62,400.

Not trying to pick a fight but just honestly wondering why CIS exists... if its defined as feeling you belong to the gender of your birth then why is it not just Male and Female and then you can add the prefix for those people who have different attachments or identifications to their?  Again, not trying to stir up

Is this slightly blow up yes, but the matter of the fact is this is a trend with this POS human so beats women, sexually assaulted a woman in a parade on live tv, beat up a man in a bar and not is obviously out of his mind drunk or high and causing issues elsewhere.  Was it a minor push, yes it was but its still

Elliot dropped the N bomb

cool click bait

this outfit is perfect for crouching down to take a photo while holding a bottle of vodka

this outfit is perfect for crouching down to take a photo while holding a bottle of vodka

This is stupid AF, Sweats and a hoodie with flippy flops and that would be more stylish than this junk, but I think the comments are going to be golden here. 

This is stupid AF, Sweats and a hoodie with flippy flops and that would be more stylish than this junk, but I think

How the hell is the pitbull #1 he is barely in the movie. What about Eddie from Fraiser or Duke from Bush’s Baked Beans

WOW,  How is this real?  this explains so much about these sites and the “writers” putting up pure shit over and over.  Dear editors and HR department.  Start your interview process with “can you make a bed”  if they say the wage ware trying then you need to say thank you and move on. 

She gives birth to one baby but leaves hospital with 15 newborns from other hard working mothers. When questioned Amy said, if I took these babies from other peoples hard work it was just a coincidence, I came up with these babies on my own but may have been influenced by those other mothers.

The NBA and Basketball are two different sports with different rules that kind of look the same and we need to change the name of the NBA “Not Basketball Anymore”

Is it too cold to say your stupid ass deserves it.  Yeah you should expect the blood to be tested I guess but why the hell would you rub blood all over your self... Fucking weirdos. 

This is horrible she did it but two quick things.. She dont look white and what the hell does the color of her skin have to do with this.  She is a bad person when you continue to classify someone by the color of their skin and not their personal action you continue to push racism forward and ruin the work people do