
I heard that Tom Brady and Robert Kraft actually provided another inmate with the bed sheets to stage the suicide in return for free access to Tom’s diet plan and 2 season tickets... its now on the internet to its true.

In the clips I have seen he has done several illegal moves that would lead to a turn over so then they should all be winners if that is the case. I need to get to a game with my lawyer soon so I can get my tires.

Way to just attack him with your own presumptions. The NFL is full of White an Black players who beat and rape women.. He is saying that classifying criminals as black is wrong. You are trying to make something out of nothing. Grow up, people are bad no matter the race and if everyone would stop taking peoples

So why do NFL, MLB, and NBA players get to keep their jobs? Why do their friends who help cover it get to keep their jobs? Why do we pick and choose who in the rape culture is more important and needed because of the money they make? Why do we not castrate them all and put them in the frozen tundra for the rest of

What I think is worse is that fact that everyone makes such a big deal about the Nassar case, and this man should be slowly tortured for the rest of his pitiful life. Everyday poor Women, Men, Girls and Boys are tortured, abused, raped and nothing is done. Those who do get arrested may only serve a few years. Athletes

He was told not to get PI.. could have played it better but its the answer to your question. It was all over post games and other media agencies.

How about someone who can read and stop the writers from posting the same 4 articles over and over about Lebron being awesome, Trump sucking, Ball family, and inane garbage. Thanks!

Sadly the Rooney rule needs an update. The idea is fantastic but it has turned into more feel good action than intended. I would find it more insulting to be brought in for an interview because of the color of my skin and not taken serious than be skipped over because they already knew who they wanted to hire. I see

Jerry Jones is licking his chops.. “Troubled player you say?... What is his arrest record?... Get him a minor arrest and sign him!”

We all lose in this game.. Laptop thief (woman hater) vs Crab leg thief (oh yeah and rapist) whose coach thinks he is an idiot. Neither should be in the league but my hate for J is still more than Cam so I am happy with this outcome.

When will they admit to the Lebron Dives and Fouls and Traveling on every other play? Here is to the daily Lebron BJ from DeadSpin

That sums up the officiating in that game as a whole. It was one of the worst I have ever seen. The only good calls they made were the two offensive PA on TB. TB secondary all but raped Jones in the end zone and few other times, horrible targeting calls, not calling hits out of bounds on TB. It goes to support my

I agree the boxing is great.. the rest of the site is kind of a dump haha

Exactly right, but still seen as the ugly scary area.. it makes no sense.

This take is so dumb that Deadspin has now hired him as a writer and hope to coach him to one day be as bad as they are. They see real talent in him!

Last week news.. coooool. Why not just live feed your competitions feeds so you seem a little more legit.

Wow, a deadspin article that actually did some research. I don’t agree with all of it but dare I say I respect this article. Hell hath froze over. Sadly growing up a boxing fan the sport is being ruined by its judges. After years of no talent in the mix we are currently spoiled with a slew of great boxers who sadly

You sick POS!

Way to write a crappy uneducated column on news that is 2 days old. Really getting out in front of whats important. You should be proud!

Here is the recycled Deadspin blowing Lebron post of the day. Deadspin writes more puff pieces on Lebron than the Cav’s website and twitter combined.