
You could have been keeled!


Trainer: What’s your name?

Former cage fighter here.

I don’t think there was ever any real danger of that happening...

Are they planning on driving the empties to Michigan to collect a dime instead of a nickel?

I think you exaggerated by a couple of cylinders.

Depends on the Hulk Hogan settlement and whether or not they can keep the lights on...

They could have saved themselves a bunch of money and bought Jalapnik from Gawker for pennies on the dollar at the fire sale when Denton and Gawker have to pay Hulk Hogan's penis its millions.

No one ever told them life was going to be this way

Why would a car driving on the sidewalk bother pedestrians? It's dangerous and completely unnecessary.

“motocross is my passion” wasn’t clear enough for you?

I’ll only start to believe this when they start using spellcheck.

Jalopnik is too ‘mature’ now to do a wheelie.

Clearly the answer is to get rid of the kid

Colin Chapman must be spinning in his grave.

I want this inside me.

Stopped reading at “weight does not matter.”

Business as usual