
4th Gear

No, shitty MBA’s is why American cars sucked so long. The engineers know what they’re doing and people screwing everything together are generally* competent.

You think that the republicans who killed the rebate weren’t paid by big oil? I envy your obliviousness

and shitty management

Shitty engineering is why American cars have sucked for so long. The engineering teams aren’t unionized as far as I know.

Do you pay a federal ‘US Navy Aircraft Carrier Group’ tax at the pump? Please please please try to pretend like the fossil fuels industry is not the most subsidized part of the US economy.

The subsidies are intended to encourage early adopters in the hopes that the industry fully commits to developing EVs going forward. I don’t see the subsidies as being wasteful (and I don’t think that’s your argument). We all subsidize the farming of an insane amount of sweet corn, which we use to feed our chickens

In the future, demolition derbies will consist of 3 year old Chryslers. The safety technology won’t work and the owners will love seeing their cars destroyed.

3rd Gear: High-Octane Thrills!!! For A Price

Can’t say I disagree with Sanders as it relates to Mello. If the left wants to win, then they actually have to turn an eye away from purity bullisht and toward...y’know...actually getting some points up on the fucking board.

The code of hammurabi had a bit about builders being put to death if one of their buildings collapsed and killed someone and a bit about boat builders having to redo shoddy workmanship. The GOP would never stand for that kind of job killing regulation.

Same. Wasn’t directed at you, but the people who would froth at the mouth at the mere idea of compromise.

Tell that to the Bernie stans who would not vote for Hillary.

The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody. 

Thomas was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder and his family claims the shooting was sparked by a mental breakdown, an allegation that could be backed up by his erratic behavior, as described by The Washington Post

It’s all an act for his upcoming treason trial.

Thank you. I’m going to start reading every Trump transcript like it’s Heather Graham and Julianne Moore having a coke fueled conversation in Boogie Nights.

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.


Sorry but the NRA is openly cheers on the murder of minorities by law enforcement.