
Replace big scary by useless and annoying.

The Clinton audible means the ball is going to the left.

Agreed. It sounds nice in theory, until you actually look at their policies. They’re running because it’s advantageous.

Why do third party candidates only pop up during the presidential election? Why don’t they have nationwide campaigns for state representatives/senators? Seems if they were serious they’d organize for

Of course. His/the GOP base is made up of demographics in decline. White men, mostly uneducated, and white evangelicals. White men are slowly losing majority, and white evangelicals are no longer the majority, they continue to lose members due to their stances. So they cling to those stances harder (logic!).

It’s like the Brexit meme - ‘Not everyone voting for Trump is racist, but every racist is voting for Trump.’

White folks voting for Stein or Johnson are NOT allies, they are litetally unwilling to syand against white supremecy when it counts.

I teach my students what happened to Emmett Till, and every single year they ask me how this was possible.

They just want to make America great again! Like it was when white men could torture and murder black children with impunity.

Spoiler alert: these assholes are voting for Trump.

I’m not sad if Susan G Komen loses money... since the majority of the money they get via donations never actually goes to research, treatment, or supporting women with breast cancer.

I was going to write this exactly. Fuck these asshole lobbyists masquerading as a charity. If you want to support breast cancer research, there are millions of better avenues.

Seriously Komen is shit. Nothing like selling products with known carcinogens in the name of breast cancer research to pay a CEO a disproportionately large salary for the size of the charity with pennies going to actual research. There is nobody to root for in this scenario.

You referring to Susan G. Komen as a non-profit... lulz.

Who do you elect? The experienced presidential candidate with an actual workable plan, or the angry, sexist, whinny, racist Presidential candidate who just says, “You want stuff, I will get you stuff. It’s gonna be the best stuff.”

Seriously. “Nobody likes” is not the only issue with Trump and how he doesn’t know or care about the Constitution or international laws prohibiting war crimes or the rights of women not to be molested.

Because the entire right has been gaslighted to think she is evil, and some even rubbed off on the mainstream. Strong, confident women scare people, it makes it easier for them to believe bullshit. And when you shovel the amount of bullshit they have done it doesn’t just come off.

Remember this:
- A good deal of the

Nope. Not even kind of. Because Mitt Romney wasn’t an openly racist proponent of sexual assault.

I wonder if Nader 2000 voters look in the mirror and tell themselves, “Al Gore definitely would have invaded Iraq. Nothing would be different. Al Gore definitely would have invaded Iraq. Nothing would be different.”

I live in a solidly blue state and I’m not taking any chances this election. I’ve voted third party in the past as a protest vote but not this time. I don’t want there to be any chance that Trump could win. It’s also a lot easier to not vote third party when the third party candidates are awful.

No, that is not why we have a republican congress and senate. Gerrymandering and low turnout among democratic voting blocks during the midterms are two big reasons we have a republican house and senate. Even with the low turnout more votes were cast for democrats in the midterms than for republicans. Until the latest