“None of this would have happened if not for a very few...forcing our...city leaders into creating a problem that never really existed.”
“None of this would have happened if not for a very few...forcing our...city leaders into creating a problem that never really existed.”
Can someone help me understand how so many people have seemingly forgotten how public restrooms work? I mean, I’m fairly certain I’d remember if as a child a trip to the public loo was a cock-wagging Bacchanal. Besides, how many old white Republican men aren’t diddling pre-teens on the regular that they’re now…
My Uncle Mike scoffs at this bush-league bigotry, it doesn’t even reference “the coloreds” or “the orientals”, and there is no 3 paragraph diatribe about “Barack HUSSEIN Obama” taking away his guns.
“The act also prohibits municipalities in North Carolina from enacting anti-discrimination policies,[14] setting a local minimum wage, regulating child labor, or making certain regulations for city workers. The legislation also removes the statutory and common-law private right of action to enforce state…
Let me respond with my usual response to such things. Ok, so let’s assume that the GOP got their way and we said- too bad so sad GM and Chrysler, you’re on yer’ own!
Wont get BMW and Mercedes to touch caddilac. Once you sit in one you start frowning. Cheap feeling plastic everywhere. MY 2007 X3 feels more luxurious than the current offering from Cadillac. And that is with the rubberized coating peeling on everything. I have leather covered stitched door coverings, real wood trim…
Ok how about this for quality, GM managers have a history for low balling part suppliers an part suppliers in turn give them shitty equipment. How about GM was willing to let people die because they didn’t want to pay a less than a dollar for better equipment. Even Saab thought GM made crap and refused to use their…
Ronald Reagan was a shit president - why modern Republicans praise his accomplishments is baffling to me.
Its also a middle finger to the morons at the RNC this week who are STILL talking about those bailouts from 8 years ago...
1st gear: It’s also a nice middle finger to all those mouth-breathers who said they’d never buy a car from “Government Motors". You know, those market experts who babbled on about "They shoulda let GM fail"
Also, in 2000 (nearly a half a century after a landmark study established the link between cigarettes and lung cancer), he wrote: “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.” He has repeatedly slashed smoking cessation programs and takes money…
Jesus Christ Penn State. You really have to work hard to make an insurance company into a sympathetic figure.
I gave up listening to him speak a month or so ago. It is just so stupid and ill informed, it drives me crazy. Sort of like Sarah Palin.
It depends on what poll you’re looking at. Stop looking at national polls which are about as informative as the National Enquirer.
I live in Grant Park, current home of the Braves. When the city of Atlanta declined to cave to the Braves’ demands for a new stadium, I was sad we’d no longer be able to walk to games, but happy my city wasn’t complicit in subsidizing rich private corporations.
Braves owners are more interested in the real estate development surrounding the new (taxpayer-subsidized) ballpark and fees from TV and digital content. I think fans in the stands are lower on their list of priorities.
He’ll probably have them double mortgaged, and then find a way to stiff the bank while collecting on insurance, as well as collecting the spot FEMA relief package for the wealthy he institutes if elected. Speaking of ‘if elected’, he’d be able to circumvent the 30-year projection because his policies will have…
Interesting that the Redskins and Braves both have reservations about other people taking what’s their’s.
It’s kind of scary that an elected official, with a mission to serve the public, can even be hoodwinked into such an obvious scam that clearly works against the best interests of their electorate in every conceivable way. I wonder how many members of local city councils, and heck, congress, are waiting for their…
At the rate of how quickly things are accelerating, I wouldn’t be surprised if in 8 years his property is underwater and Trump is bankrupt financially as he already is morally.