
If they offer color options other than Red, Gold and Green, it will be a tragedy.

If they get the logistics in place where you can test drive the vehicle, I’d love to do everything else online and not have to deal with a salesman, dealership, finance guy, etc.

5th Gear, this isn’t the first time I’ve been confused by what Karma is.

I hear that jim@g-omedia.com is the authority on leaf blowers. Or is the vulture capitalist responsible for the scummy auto-playing video ads plastered all over this blog and for disappearing posts complaining about same. One of those two things.

I hear that jim@g-omedia.com is the authority on leaf blowers. Or is the vulture capitalist responsible for the

Pro tip: the best leafblower is emailing the nutsacks at G/O who are pushing auto play videos and ads (g-omediafeedback@googlegroups.com) and telling them how bad they are at their jobs.

Pro tip: the best leafblower is emailing the nutsacks at G/O who are pushing auto play videos and ads

There are a lot of fantastic non-French Blue’s. I’m a big fan of Roaring 40's and Point Reyes.

It really helps rise above the noise that’s on Yelp! and other low-rent unqualified reviews. And seriously, for those of you finding this comment later, there are forums/online groups for pretty much EVERY car. Just look!

Yup. Forums. The answer is always forums.

If we’re going by Porsche nomenclature then this part is a turbo now.

What’s important to me is being able to open an article in Jalopnik without a video autoplaying.

Now playing

I think legally in Britain, if you speed up a video, you have to add Yakkey Sax to it.

Mine can hardly recognize my own fingerprint half the time, so I’m not too worried about someone else’s.

So, your plan is to voluntarily lock yourself into a van for 24 hours with David, who has just gorged on pickles and deviled eggs? That doesn’t sound like a good plan.

Why would you waste perfectly good edibles on crappy kids you don’t even know ?

It’s not heroin, it won’t get them “hooked” on anything, you aren’t starting a business doing that. It’s just gonna make them puke and cry. Plus, and this is the important part, it won’t make me happy and high. Why would you want to hurt

I’m not sure if you are being serious about not knowing what “white Mercedes” is, or not. I suspect or not.. But I’m pretty sure she is talking about the white ecstasy pills with the Mercedes star pattern pressed into them. As it relates to the video, yeah you’re right. A video with cars in it titled white Mercedes

I love that the underhood arrangement is in the shape of a V8. Classy!

Damnit. I want this. To me this thing is cooler then any 6+ figure car I’ve ever seen (in person or in print). I never felt bad that I couldn’t afford the latest Ferrari quatrofolienflameblowupanello or whatever but the want for this thing right here is emanating from deep within my loins.

If we have to have screens, I want them for display purposes rather than control purposes.

I think the goal, if we’re going to clean up the dash, should be to put as many controls on the wheel as possible. I’ve gotten pretty comfortable using my steering wheel controls for all of my infotainment stuff ever since my touchscreen and center stack controls stopped working, so I really don’t miss things like

I can’t fault them for trying to chase the competition so they can check a box. But I still firmly believe that 10 years from now, the late 2010s will be remembered as “The era when we mistakenly thought making everything digital would be perfect!”