counter-counterpoint: I don’t fit in the RF without tilting my head slightly to the side. I’m pretty sure my even taller carpool wouldn’t appreciate riding with me in one either when we have to commute in MN winters with the top off.
counter-counterpoint: I don’t fit in the RF without tilting my head slightly to the side. I’m pretty sure my even taller carpool wouldn’t appreciate riding with me in one either when we have to commute in MN winters with the top off.
I’m already tempted to keep 4 of these in my trunk... and I don’t even need a special parking spot.
Agreed, used truck pricing is crazy high with several models (not just Toyota) nearing 200k are sitting at or near the $10k mark.
Are you unable to put the baby seat (rear-facing i’m assuming) in the middle? That’s what I did when we first had kids in a B15 Nissan Sentra and I (6'2") was able to have my seat where I needed it. Granted, we weren’t road tripping in it but still...
Keep us posted! I too have something seriously wrong with me and am considering one.
I’ll be that guy.
So what you are saying is that you can save a whole bunch of money by putting in a regular ass LS in your used Bu-geye-d. Good to know.
The only thing that makes you look like a more massive tool is having a boat that doesn’t quite qualify as a yacht but insisting people call it a yacht anyway.
I’ve been thinking the opposite... throw in a turbo 3 from a modern Festiva. That has to make about as much HP and Torque as the 400 it came with and as an added bonus: more room for luggage (not that it needs it).
Have you eaten at a Subway in the last 15-20 years? Cause they sell a hell of a lot of sandwiches that are much worse than jiminy johns.
The only time eating at Chick-fil-a is convenient for us (and pretty much the only time we eat fast food) is during road trips. That, plus the fact that they are closed on Sundays (when we are most looking for something quick to tide us over till we get home) we rarely even consider it as an option.
you forgot the “/s” to let us know you are being sarcastic.
Too true. I would have no issue importing a JDM version if it weren’t for the 25 yr. rule.
I’m sure they would but I don’t need a lift and I don’t want to have to chop and channel one in order to get it to look the way I’d like it. If I were to go to that much trouble I’d drop, chop and channel a new Expedition and get the RWD and towing capability so many wagons are missing these days.
How about a new Mazda 6 wagon or a way to import the wagony bits from Japan for installation on a sedan? I’d even settle for an automatic
So... when are you installing a mirrored tin on the back window?
*she & *her
I refuse to consider anything with auto-braking or lane keeping unless it is an absolute steal. Those are just things I really don’t want on any of my cars until my mind has gone enough where I wouldn’t notice them anyway. At which point, I shouldn’t be driving.
I found this ‘feature’ in my G6 this summer. From what I’ve read the fix is to replace both the thermostat and the temperature sensor. Now it’s cold and I haven’t replaced either but on the upside I haven’t had an issue since it 90 degrees out.