
Rightly or wrongly, the minivan has long been imputed as the auto enthusiast’s white flag of surrender.

This is the thread for people binging, right? Stop reading if you’re not.

In developing nations, they don’t tend to write asinine articles denouncing it, Nick.

Something tells me that there isn’t enough idle energy and time to warrant railing like this against it in developing nations... So his point still has validity.

They aren’t the ones making an issue Nick. Hence, 1st world problems....

They say “bless you” in developing nations, Tobias

My fat ass could fit in those panel gaps. I still kind of want it though. It’s hilarious and unique and will probably run forever. Wrenching = easy.

Massholes have stupid rules. Sorry Emily. That is so stupidly unfair. But...you did win.

Wow. Talk about a 1st world concern.

I agree Alice made Crystal Castles. Her voice lent them all the humanity in their music. Truth be told, I like the new Crystal Castles album musically. But again, it is the female singer that makes the songs.

The dude is full 0f shit. Alice MADE Crystal Castles, ask anybody who ever saw them live. And he’s mad as hell these days I’m sure because no one gives a shit about CC now with the Alice wannabe he tried to replace her with. That poor girl is probably being mentally twisted up by him as we speak.

If I had FU money I’d buy this over any Lambo or Ferrari. But if I had that money I could also have the new exotics. I’d get this car to take to Monterrey...etc. I’d use it to impress all of my wealthy friends (aka people who wouldn’t be commenting on this kind of story).

You win the internet today with that clap-back. Congrats. Dick Van Head up there can go back to cheering on the Commander-in-Queef (Thanks Morty).

Both, really.

Bitch, this is like all I do.

Is that a big-ass engine or a big ass engine?

+1. You nailed it.

Motherfucker this is the best take.

See, this is what I wanted “ABCs of Beth” to be—even though I love the episode, and it’s heart-on-sleeve climax. This, however, feels far more graceful. Rick can’t outrun the people he shackles himself to, which is why he can go Tom and Jerry on the president. He doesn’t care about the president, but even if he can’t