Which rental agency hassled you over a chip in the windshield?
It’s mentioned that typically credit cards won’t cover you in certain countries. He specifies Australia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, and New Zealand.
Does anyone know how this applies if you are visiting a foreign country?
Do you have a source on this? I only ask because this can only be debunked so many times before people get irritated. No the batteries do not wear out that quickly (see the Bew York Cabs). No, the mining process is not as messy as you claim. The statistics on the mining process which I am assuming you are referencing…
Older than that, I remember watching CKY videos in highschool.
You know this is about 10 years old, right?
Unlikely on the jail time.
So this post doesn’t actually tell us anything...
Care to further explain? I never listen to the radio. I only need my phone for music and navigation. All I’ve ever used for the past 4 years. With that being said when I test drove a 2008 I couldn’t stand the confusion of the iDrive. How easy was it to set up as you describe?
Hmmmm...Jalopnik web traffic opportunity - more cat/car stories. Cats are pretty big on the internet apparently.
Man is a hero.
Your mom likes them.
You are correct in posting this however I will not bite. I just bought one last month.
Right, ‘cause Mustang drivers are always the very coolest, nicest, sweetest, most considerate people on earth, who are never ever ever brotastic mulleted wifebeatered redneck assholes. Man, it sure is a good thing we’ve grown past the point of silly unfounded stereotypes about the owners of various types of cars. (OK,…
Since we are resorting to stereotypes, I’d rather be a “dick” than have a mullet.
I shouldn't like this comment as much as I like this comment, but what can I say, 10/10.
Ha ha. I made you a bowl of 100% organic suck it soup. It’s main ingredient is suck it.