
Wow. Alls the stars to this guy.

Is that the guy from the movie “Powder”?

This. This is the greatest headline I have ever read. Thank you sir. +1

Or we could just take it as a joke and you can calm your tits.

Agree to an extent, whereas the penalty for hiring illegals isn’t kind to employers. So with that being said, lots just get paid for lesser pay and straight cash to avoid all the legality.

Now playing

A bit old and probably outdated, but this attests to how easy it was to get government assistance.

Please tell me this is sarcasm...

There won’t be a buyers remorse? I would dare say 33-50% will regret their vote when the atypical stances they originally voted for are easily struck down due to their lack of understanding that they got sold EXTREMELY far fetched lies. Did you REALLY think we were going to build a wall to keep out illegal aliens? Did

At 4-5 and with it being your “best” WR, I’m not sure ‘coming down on Evans hard’ would be the best scenario for Glazer. What’s the angle? “You stop sitting for the National Anthem or I will bench you and put in Luke Stocker!” Think not.

Obama advisor: “Upon inauguration, the West Wing will have to be restaffed for...”

Seem: 1) give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality. 2) used to make a statement or description of one’s thoughts, feelings, or actions less assertive or forceful.

Yee yee yee! No, not McConnell, but close. I’m from this shit whole state where these 2 reside. Not only do we have Turtle Man and McConnell, we also elected Matt Bevin with a 30% voter turn out last year. Needlessly to say that if living in Kentucky wasn’t bad enough, the phrase “hold my beer” carries a LOT of weight

I see what you did there. +1 gold star for you sir.

...still suffering from Trump-matic stress disorder. Quickest cure; 4 years away.

Not to step in the middle of this but you kinda did...

Maybe it will be like Pokemon Go! except they will use VR headsets near busy intersections.

Didn’t know Fred Durst was still around...

This election makes Jonestown look like Disneyland. Trump voters must have been thirsty for Flavor Aid when they didn’t want their guns taken away to defend their 2nd Amendment rights, only wipe their asses with the rest of the constitution. Congrats America, you just set us back 100 years, possibly started another

A $20k exhibition game and get drilled by 93. Granted Asbury is a D2 school, I’m still anxious to see how this team plays against Kansas, Michigan State, UCLA, North Carolina, Louisville, and Florida.