
my azz

so anywhere with logical traffic laws what the drivers did would be illegal

this exactly. should have been a red card

red card for serious foul play. doesnt need to be violent or intentional at all. the act of committing a foul like that is an automatic red card from any competent referee.

should have been a red card for serious foul play. inexplicable that there was no call made

and 90% of drivers are wrong. that does not make it right just because a lot of people do it. accidents like this happen because people think it is ok to do dumb things in a car. just because most people do not think doesn't mean it is suddenly justified.

you are describing the logical fallacy called argumentum ad

both drivers should be waiting BEHIND the white line to make that turn until the bike makes it past

if the white car waited the bike may have been able to avoid the collision. have you ever heard the saying dont block the box. it is ILLEGAL to stop in an intersection. you either have room to proceed or you wait at the white line

so i am on the highway going to work this morning(in my car). guy in front of me in his dodge grand caravan pulls to the right to let me pass. as i accelerate hard to pass him he decides he is coming BACK into the lane that i currently control because he pulled behind a biker going "too slow" for his liking. what

good one?

get over yourself feminist

it is illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk almost everywhere. when on a bike you are no longer a pedestrian. on a bike you are bound by the same laws as a car in almost every populated area. Unless you are a child you never have the right ride a bike on the sidewalk unless local laws specifically state you can.


pedestrians do not include bikers moron. so the bike should not be there either

who gives a FUCK. you are clearly one of the poor cyclists

the bike rider made NO attempt to stop until the last possible second. they had seen the car for close to 4 seconds before touching the brakes. they also made ZERO attempt to move over when in my opinion there was enough room to at least fall and prevent an impact. this person knew they had the camera rolling and saw

In bridgeport connecticut they still employ a few '95 crown vics complete with paint that peeled off in 2001, original rims, light, pushbar, and everything. they just installed newer internal light bars and a new laptop/radio. talk about hidden in plain sight.....

this exactly. even the unmarked chargers have a THICK black antennae that the civilian models dont on the roof. the same antennae on the unmarked taurus' and interceptors. some departments black their windows out so much though that any internal lights or giveaways are impossible to see. tires and ride height are the

HA virginia does have a helicopter and airplane to catch speeders!!! just watch the fuck out if you drive over a massive thick white line on the highway. they will time how long it takes you to go from one line to the other and then radio your speed to an officer on the theres that

passed a team doing this in massachusetts. fucking pigs don't catch enough speeders on their own anymore?!?!?!