
He asked how long it was I said it was short about 4hrs his response was "That's what I thought". Do you seriously need to drag this out.

I didn't bring up time. I answered OmegaArchetype's question, and comparing skyrim to portal 2 is just silly. Skyrim is massively open world while portal is extremely linear, it's much easier to optimize a linear game.

You really had me thinking it was going to be Duke Nukem: Forever for a minute there Kotaku.

Time isn't the only factor is it, enjoyability factors in as well. if you're paying a lot of money for something you don't want it to be so short. portal 1 was shorter but also a lot cheaper, and yes it does matter how long a game is I don't want to pay $60 for maybe only a couple of hours.

I've just completed the singleplayer in 4hrs, there's co-op but imo it was to short.

People who are intolerant of other peoples opinions, no your the problem with today's society.

His apology was essentially "I'm sorry I picked on someone more powerful than myself".

Ps1, ps2, psp. Sony has been at this shit a long time.

Because 8gigs is an awesome number and allows us to look down on all those pitiful 4 gigers.

It's a 32bit program it can't use 8 gigs.

This is a serious question: are you as retarded as you seem.

Where have they complained about poor sales, they've said steam sells better. None of that supports your argument that games sell better on psn.

XBL arcade games are indie games.

So you haven't even got a link to compare sales, no proof at all? Arcade games sell very well on xbl, limbo made over 1 million sales and castle crashers was very successful.

Well arcade games get equal coverage as other games on xbl, with the adition of the indie games channel it gives another platform for indie devs to try which psn doesn't have.

Again the dev that got his game on to psn isn't the same kind of dev that puts games on to xbl indie games.

that guy may have been able to make a game and put it on psn, but that game would have been put on the psn equivalent of XBL arcade not the indie games section.

No you said these indie devs get the same coverage on psn, which they obviously don't because this kind of thing isn't on psn yet.

Evidently people do care. They care to the tune of one billion dollars.

I mean texture wise. apart From witcher 2 none of them have great textures, like skyrim they look good because of other assets.