you continue to come here why?
you continue to come here why?
I wondered that. I think it could part of the objective dialogue box popping up or going away.
Doesn't that mean that you only get like 3 gig of that ram. I think the code should work for 64bit win 7.
This one was obnoxious. []
I wasn't making an argument. I simply wondered why he feels the need to defend his country by putting other countries down.
If that's what you want to believe.
I was talking about these.
How can you defend when you are not being attacked? Oh and I don't believe I've said anything bad about the US.
Is this all you do? go from article to article proclaiming why the us is perfect and why every other country is worse.
At least we can't be locked up just because our government thinks we're terrorists.
you're kidding right? GTA4 has sold like 20 million copies and the series has sold in excess of 100 million, and on top of this the games are critically acclaimed.
The ps3 also has a mandatory install so it all evens out.
Most people at least make an attempt to hide their moronic fanboy opinions, a quick look at your comment history shows you don't.
Well there are ps1 nes and loads of other emulators on android already that allow you to play full games.
The game is amazing, and at that price it's a steal. Go for it.
Deus ex: hr the missing link and a bit of gta 3 to celebrate 10 years I think.
Yep, you're definately the self-important douchbag. tbh I don't care what the US does. You obviously feel that you deserve loads of credit and that everyone should know your story and about how great you are, but sorry to say nobody cares. It's quit sad seeing you try to make these arguments, you must have a very…
Well if it's anything like mw1 the fans will be happy, they've been asking for the feel of cod4 back.
Does that work for ea passes as well, or only for sony passes? Because if you can only use the ea pass on 1 ps3 your point is moot as microsoft don't do online passes.