
Does that work for ea passes as well, or only for sony passes? Because if you can only use the ea pass on 1 ps3 your point is moot as microsoft don't do online passes.

"You may not provide SCEA or any third party company with false or inaccurate information, including reporting false complaints to SCEA Consumer Services or providing false or inaccurate information during account registration."

I fucking hate tiscali. when I was with them they throttle your line to hell, i was paying for up to 8Mb they said I could only receive 2 and they where actually capping my line to 1Mb. I got a better quote from a different provider and the tiscali rep basically said the other company was lying. Now i have 13Mb no

Well he seems to be going out of his way to attack my country for no real reason. It's quit sad really, making arguments that have no relevancy. He's definitely bitter about something.

Your problems with the world definitely go deeper than this Libya business.

I don't believe I said anything to indicate my self as important. Please if you're going to attempt to insult me come up with your own material. Now run along that flag isn't going to wave itself.

There has been a lot of talk about the me3 moving further towards 3rd person shooter, I don't mind it just as long as it keeps the same rpg elements.

Anti-Americanism wouldn't be so rife if there wasn't so many sensitive and self-important douchbags such as your self.

Wow, there are unboxings for bog standard games now.

The division has been profitable since 2008.

XBL made $1 billion in 2009

Well that's how all of the big companies make money, microsoft, apple.

Well that's where the profit is, in the subs. The newest source I could find on psn comes from December last year and says psn was still not profitable, so psn could still be losing money.

well it seems you're attributing this to men alone. Do you have the same problem with women taking boys to the toilet, or is that ok because statistics say so.

A lot of sex offenders are male, so we should treat all men as sex offenders. Right?

They're both coming to the end. For example the ps3 can't do cross game chat because of ram restrictions and it's drive is to slow, and in terms of hardware they're both massively outdated.

The ps3 install is mandatory, so hardly pulling it's weight.

It's a legitimate tactic, dammit.

The best way is using a shitty community program called motionjoy.

click the little eye ball above "latest stories".