
I loved this episode. Bob Newhart was wonderful and Jim Parsons was great. They make a great comedy team. It was touching when Sheldon hugged Leonard and didn't make a smart remark. I liked the Penny/Leonard story too. Liked the marriage proposal tally. Also, I want to make the Death Star Cake. In, short, Star Wars,

You might be right. See that is what the writers get for writing such an insane plot

When Lily is the highlight of the episode, it is in trouble. I did not like the Phil story because he got too freaked out over a memory, then he lied about it, then developed a sleep disorder until he came clean to Claire. Why didn't Claire get more upset about losing her wedding ring? I did not buy much of of this

I didn't like this episode. There was no plot and all the jokes about Australia were used. It was terrible. I have heard that Modern Family is supposed to go nine seasons. It might go two more seasons, but no more.

I enjoyed this episode. I liked that Penny and Sheldon spent time together and when he calls the psychic malarkey. I also Sheldon's comment about Oreoes and Nutterbutters. I thought the scene where Amy admits to Leonard that she is jealous of Sheldon's and Penny's closeness honest and refreshing. Leonard's response

Mom got better over the season. Smokey is a great name for a baby, Bazinga. I am glad that Violet gave the baby up for adoption. I am not sure that I will be back for season two. But Mom was better than 2 Broke Girls.

I agree Modern Family has gone downhill in the laughs department. I think that that the kids are no longer funny. The Big Bang Theory, for the most part, minus the sweater episode, has been superb.

I enjoyed the episode. It was funny. The Sheldon and Penny scenes were great. The Sheldon storyline was superb. Jim Parsons is a comedic genuis. His drunk dialing Steven Hawking was hilarious. The Howard/Raj storyline worked because it was a B storyline. I am happy that the date worked out for Raj. Kripke is not

I enjoyed this episode. It was so funny when Amy overplayed Sheldon's indecision about gaming consoles.Please Pass The Butter, priceless. I like that Shamy kissed again while Sheldon discussed gaming consoles. I thought Raj was charming tonight with Emily and Penny. I hope Emily and Raj continue dating. It was

I give this episode a C. I did not like the Luke/Manny story.I think that the writers are running out of stuff for the kids to do. Kids sneaking out. Been there
Done that, next. There was no need for the Clare/Jay food fight, poor. Cam an Mitchells story was fine and a bit funny. A soap cake topper priceless. But

This season has been a disappointment. But, this episode was great. A definite A.

This season is not better than the 4th. Overall, this season of Modern Family is pretty weak. But, I loved the luxury bath options and the bath mix up. I liked the Ty Burell storyline as well. Las Vegas will stay with me as one of this season,s best episode.

I liked this episode because of Laurie Metcalf. The stuff with Jim Parsons and her was great. Sheldon and Howard were great too. They seem to be becoming real friends. I like Stuart too because he had some good insight about Leonard and Penny. The tag was funny. More Stuart please.