bazaar apparatus

Well I'm definitely not rich by any means, but $10/mo is pretty negligible when I get such good use of the service. And like @jeremyrkelso mentioned (and maybe I should have mentioned this too), Dropbox is more of a sync solution than a backup solution, although it works well for that too.

Sometimes you can talk to them about a customized plan and they'll work with you. I'd try emailing them, the worst they can say is 'no'.

Evernote Premium

Dropbox is too expensive? I pay $10 a month and get 50 gigs of storage. Seems like an awesome deal to me!

@ Gimmeslack: What a worthless comment.

You can put your Dropbox folder anywhere you want, and they even have an option to move the folder later if you want. And I'm pretty sure there are ways to sync folders outside of your Dropbox folder, although I never do that so I couldn't tell you how to set it up. Fairly certain I saw a feature on doing just that

Nah, you're not the only one. I tend to think that the return home feels longer too.

Personally, I find Imo to be a buggy piece of shit.

This would be a neat app to have, but I really think $20 is a high price-point for such simple functionality and I can't see many people going for it. Ah, well.

That's not quite so bad, but those colored dots on the left toolbar are still pretty weird-looking.

I wanted to care about the feature list of this app after reading the article title, but I just couldn't make it past the screenshot of that horrendous '90s interface they cobbled together.

I actually had no idea that shopping online prevented me from being charged a sales tax. I do it because it's generally the cheaper way to go, and having a product delivered right to my door is very convenient.

Keep in mind that this only works if you keep your list sorted by 'Date Created'. Personally, I keep mine sorted by 'Last Updated' so that newer notes (or notes that I have made changes to) float to the top.

If Apple would improve the notifications system in iOS, then maybe I would consider using push. As it exists now though, I would have to dismiss each message individually and a lot of apps try to use push for notifications that I find completely useless anyway.

Is there just not a way for it to open tabs in the background simply by clicking the little double-chevron button at the end of each line? I don't use my keyboard to navigate my feeds, I just scroll through and open up anything that sounds interesting before actually reading them.

Vote: Foxit Reader

I use Foxit, not that it's necessarily any better/faster than Sumatra (although it has always been pretty speedy for me), but any time I ever visit Sumatra's page I am instantly turned away by their godawful website with its yellow header and red text. UGH

Gonna write an article called "How to Deal with People that Live in Filth"

The only reason I'd upgrade my 3G to 4.x would be to have compatibility with certain apps that require it.

ahahaha you people have no CLUE what these numbers mean and this is why companies don't like having idiots everywhere having access to these types of tools.