
Ehhh. Yes and no. Imagine splitting up with your spouse then learning they knocked up someone else before your divorce ink is even dry. That’s pretty traumatic, and I don’t use that term loosely.

Also the elective surgery was apparently to correct a sunken chest, so he basically got breast augmentation to look more masculine, which is a form of gender affirming care he so vehemently opposes for others.

They’re not talking about Crowder losing followers. Just saying that it's ironic that he's against no-fault divorce when there's video evidence of him being abusive. And thus she would have been legally allowed to divorce him even before no-fault divorce was a thing.

Thirty years ago, this video would get him fired and ostracized. Today, it would get him elected to public office.

It is ironic that he’s railing against no-fault divorce given that his ex (soon-to-be ex?) has cause, and video/evidence to back it up. The law could be different, and she'd still be getting early parole from this marriage.

I was reading a bit about Crowder’s divorce. While the his wife was pregnant he chose to get an elective surgery, so that while he was recuperating. he would miss the birth of his twins. Then after recuperating, he moved out the family home and retained a divorce lawyer. When the wife found out she filed for divorce

In the special, he says he was addicted to Adderall, cocaine, Xanax, Klonopin and Percocet. In a podcast last week, he said he was also freebasing and that he could “easily” do an 8-ball of blow a day.

My ex husband was a recovering addict who held me in the highest esteem until I had a bad episode of depression and quit my job without telling him. I was pretty much dead to him after that. It was surreal how much he idealized me then threw me in the trash for that one (admittedly big) fuck up. He immediately

Forget the drugs, I will forever side-eye Mulaney for how horrible he was to his now ex-wife - the woman he spent a decade praising and worshiping so publicly and that he intentionally made a huge part of his act and his entire public persona. (I’ve seen all of his specials and stand-up and I loved them.)

The “involuntarily celibate” part is more a reference to the fact that they think they’re supposed to get all of the (conventionally) extra attractive women, and when they of course don’t, they are “involuntarily” made “celibate”.

Boo hoo.

You’ll never believe this, but once upon a time, conservatives were funny.

... But in all seriousness - The Incel “Movement” is a scary thing and should not be taken lightly; so, I am glad Laura mentions the 2014 Santa Barbara Shootings and stresses the general dangers towards the end of the article.

“Take half” is code for “I don’t want to pay child support and alimony, and I don’t want to marry a woman who can support herself either because then I wouldn’t have 100% control of the rest of her life.”

but you’re good-looking—your best path to victory is simply to marry a man, leave him, and take half.”

I’ve found that most incels I’ve seen in the news wouldn’t be that way if they just tried a little bit harder on their appearance and attitudes not only towards women, but society in general. These guys seem to heap a lot of misdirected rage and blame on things which are largely out of their control instead of focusing

As I understand it, the thing about incels is not that they believe they cannot get laid by anyone *period*, but rather that they can’t get laid by the right kind of women—i.e., exceptionally conventionally attractive women, which I think they refer to as “Stacys” (the female version of a “Chad”. I learned about all

Imagine how much happier they would be if the incels just got together and started blowing each other...

This is how I felt in 8th grade when two of my best friends went to third base with cute boys and I was still waiting for my first kiss. The betrayal, the jealousy, the self-loathing. Beware, incels. It’s a short path from french kissing to giving blow jobs to randos.

I thought the whole meaning behind the word “incel” was that they are involuntarily celibate. That would seem to indicate that if they could get laid, they would. They aren’t proud to be celibate, it’s something that is supposedly forced on them. So why would they get mad when one of their wangless dork leaders is no