Kirsty Wiggelsworth

Paul Pierce would like a word with you.

Was Harris paid for these books? Is she profiting from Biden’s border crisis?

I work in technology, so I can offer some insider information on why Spotify is doing this...

I don’t mean to be rude, but I think you are part of an extremely small group of people that does it that way.

Communist thinking like this is keeping us from being great again. [crashes schoolbus while commenting]

This is fascinating - your household regularly takes two simultaneous and independent road trips of more than 250 miles a day??

I was scrolling through and my brain saw this as Aaron Sorkin was in ICE custody. Which wouldn’t make sense but honestly I wasn’t mad about it.

My method of birth control for years was my personality.

Maybe she won’t get Covid because no one wants to get within 10 feet of her anyway?

One should not underestimate the value of personal experience. I bought my first car in 1965 and my first new car in 1968 and have bought a variety of new and used vehicles since then. I have had my best experiences buying cars new and keeping them for a long time, 10+ years. I am old enough, 74, that I will likely

RV Driver: “Wow, this thing is really struggling.”

I’m sorry if it hurt or offended you.

Sorry Mike, you old.

I’d tell you to go fuck yourself, but I wouldn’t want you to have a good time. 


Gen Xer here. To be honest I was put off by the fact that the whole thing seemed so staged and phony (and those tweets proved it definitely was). When Trent Reznor or Kurt Cobain smashed a guitar or a synthesizer, you could tell it was motivated by genuine emotion.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the greatest stage actor of our time...Larry!” 

Can I have Christmas lights outdoors? Clearly electricity is dangerous. Chevy Chase told me so.

I’m sorry, Candace Owens thinks she’s a thing because . . . someone subtweeted her?

God bless this baby’s soul.