Kirsty Wiggelsworth

so is “graf” now a thing? This is the second time this week i’ve seen that word.

i live in the bay and have bought in, as i did in 2012, and throughout early 2000's. it’s just so hard when 1) they lose in the first round every time, and 2) the next year none of the same players from pervious year are on the roster. re: roster turnover: we’ve been told that this time is different and that they

my coffee and cigarettes disagree.

Schultz told Kotaku that he wants to replace the wedding proposal with the name of his grandmother, who has passed from cancer and helped ignite Schultz’s passion for Spider-Man. She gave him his first Spider-Man comic book as well as a copy of Amazing Fantasy #15, the first appearance of the character.

no way cops world do that...they’re honest and forthright.

NH what? What is that?

this is the donald trump effect. every asshole doubling down on their assholeness.

it sounds like you’re rooting for the Athletic to fail, or that you expect it to? I subscribe to it, and have since it began covering my local sports market, and I am very happy with their product. I would say that for sports fans the Athletic is a welcome response to ESPN, et al.’s constant layoffs and elimination of

I’m trudging through her book...but I cannot do it. the pain of listening to her self serving words does not outweigh the schadenfreude

LOVED Killing Eve! and Ms. Oh!

Circuses are so last century, and animal cracker brand Barnum’s Animals has finally taken notice.

Clearly, based on August’s statement that producers wanted Sarah Michelle Gellar in a Matrix-inspired super villain movie, Warner Brothers didn’t really know what to do with their Batman properties at this time.

why the fuck do people care. let Maddie Live

after 10/20 years of being a major league farm team i think fans have caught on (but i am still the idiot leaving work tomorrow to catch a day game, so clearly I have not caught on). also, fans are constantly hearing about how the A’s wanted/want to move so what’s the point of investing in this team just so they can

first time seeing that. lol’ing in my office! thank you.

I watched this show religiously in 2005 when i was stationed in Iraq. Can you imagine 10-15 “tough” infantrymen with guns huddled around a 5" DVD player watching bootlegged copies of the OC? so cool

maybe Howerton is running low on Dick Towel money and needs the work?