
her readiness to walk into the same sharp object over and over again is remarkable 

Pennsylvania, DPRK

the masses want circuses... indy delivers 

more of a neocon conspiracy to create the specter of economic doom which only one true rich man messiah trump can guard against

but he’s the perfect specimen

people should care about braking, handling, acceleration, ........ top speed, in that order

i think you can hear worms munching through his brain

because russia

so obama inherits a post-apocalyptic economy, gets it into a great shape, trump inherits this great economy and takes credit for the good times, then promptly makes a mess of things and causes a recession, and these degenerate zombie cretins voting for him still think he’s the second coming of the messiah?

well that’s not good

um... how do i say it: smoke, any kind of smoke, is bad for you

jesus built a very successful brand

it’s a good thing then that trump and putin are best buds

does owning a lifetime pasta pass at Olive Garden count as a preexisting condition for health insurance purposes?

well it’s their own fucking fault they can’t buy their way out of extinction!!!

this administration is what’s giving me the fear

i’ve always said that touchscreens in cars are a terrible idea as far as safety of vehicle operation is concerned

an old sick fuck at the end of his rope kills himself

but, there’s a remarkably reliable way of predicting the absence of shootings, and that way is.... banning guns

oh, those crabs