Baxter Stockman

Thats funny. I found I got a lot more requests for invites from my female friends than my male ones.

I was wondering if I was the only person who liked the movie.

Right when my friends were talking me into getting this. Now there is no chance.

I thought only cell phone companies were stupid enough to cap data? I really hope mine doesn't follow suit.

He isn't allowed to go back and buy another Mac? Glad this story has a happy ending.

This could possibly be the sweetest thing ever!

It is very rare that servers have that mod plugin. And besides. If they really wanted to play on that server. They can purchase something from the store for $.49 and have premium access.

I thought we all agreed to give up on Apple's phone making abilities? A phone that requires you to use a case just to make a phone call. No thanks.

The Flash! Super speed can only be so useful. He must be creative to take on big strong enemies.

Horrible selection of games and accessories. Not a chance.

Dial up?? Hell he could still play Starcraft: BW. I played on a 28K connection. :)

Both would be great. I'd like to see some paintball action on them. :)