
not thats real life testing.

Just to make people realize that a mac store exists. They buy this out of necessity and come back later to see more. clever idea.

this will spark a new age of super intelligent babies making use of the sliding building architecture to charge their static charge cannon pajamas to overthrow the adult race.

The US and the most of the developed nation need to shift focus on areas like these. I say this because they seem to think and claim to fight for global peace. Places like these would be a good start. No dont invade and bomb the country. Just use your influence to over throw the corrupt leaders and deploy a democracy.

your nation is aiding a good cause. :)

Just to add to the conversation. Car companies suck at user interface design just as nokia does at the moment.

the link seems to be dead.

but on what place on Jupiter?

so can i develop apps for it? i want that apple logo to play me movies.

Dont you people know how to adjust? yes i hated the new layout but i am ok with it now because i DONT use the features that dont work and do use the features that do work. The splash view showed one news story and i hated that so i switched to blog view and since then gizmodo has kept improving that area. Now the blog

now we need a compare this with the consumption of other countries.

i read a rumor that a prototype of a slide keyboard iPhone has also been made. just to check if its a plausible idea. And thats what the tiny iPhone is. A prototype. For all we know they might be making uraniumpentaoxidelithium batteries.

i am investigating the issue whether it is allowed in small amounts or not. People usually take drugs which contain a bit alcohol but health is another issue. This is a non human necessity.

but i dont want you to go to hell. i so wish god forgives people who are good at heart. :)

wha? really? i would like to know the story behind the matter.


lolwut indeed xD

gizmodo should make this "internet points" thing a thing. We would receive internet points for good comments and or funny ones. It would certainly be a step forward from the star and non-star commenter's . actually this is a good idea. It would enable people to contribute more to the community and earn points by

A bigger one seems more likely than a smaller one to me.

I think gizmodo assumes that people here are like the youtube commentators and will get over a redesign soon.