
My kid’s high school health class just had a guest speaker from a crisis pregnancy center as part of an abstinence based “Sexually Transmitted Disease” panel, so there’s NO WAY those people are taking my kid to the sex toy shop. I would like my kid to be informed with actual information, thanks. I take ‘em myself. (or

it helped me, but I’m kinda suggestible. I had a childhood sexual trauma that about 2 months of EMDR cycles really allowed me to release. Just my 2 cents!

a booster for the LSD, helps with the nutrient/fluid deficiency while tripping balls also

We did bacon for the crunch. And some avocado for the green.


My offspring is now the age I was when my mother (a teacher at my school) refused to take me to school in the morning because she did not care for my late 1980’s fashion stylings. I’d stuffed how painful it was, to be disciplined and rejected in that way, until my child’s first day of school this year. It all came

Thanks for clarifying. I defer to your expertise-it’s obvious I know nothing of any aspect of the thing other than what my bro said. Which I found amazing. And you are right, I think it’s skeevy. While also understanding it is totally voluntary and admiring the athleticism involved.

My redheaded half brother said some betting lines had Rousey 800-1. Some of that backlash might be due to heavy losses of pissed off white dudes. Is it just me, or is a bunch of guys betting on the result of women beating the crap out of each other more skeevy than regular gambling? WHHYYY can’t it just be Jello

That’s it, exactly. The prevalent LDS perspective of paternalism extended unto the community. Men hold the wisdom and apply it to their property-the women and children. Of course this judge thinks he is right, everything in his life supports his bias. I sincerely hope the sunshine of public awareness will both aid the

I ate some mushrooms and made a pot roast. Did not die, from either.

Heh. Fetus led gestation. ++

*Interweb Hyperemesis High Five* If you are what you eat my kid was made of mashed potatoes at birth. And a ton of people told me I looked !great! (my own mother included) bc I lost like 40 lbs. UGH.

Accutane ate my intestines and gave me permanent lifelong gut issues. Be careful. Acne is bad, but having a gut ache and IBS for the rest of your life is a heavy price to pay for wanting to not have cysts.

wow, that is an impressive display of angry + stupid

Now there’s a Gross Dad Crush- REMINGTON FUCKING STEELE.

FABULOUS! You kids do some cray shit you can’t tell the babies about when you are old and grey. Have fun!

‘Think...smaller, and.........more legs....’

Eat yogurt. Lots of it. The good kind with live cultures. If you hate that shit, take the live cultures as a capsule. You can also cram the (unflavored thick stuff) up in there like Monistat, but the results are similar to the infucktion. Or, if you prefer, get your doc to do an Rx for Diflucan and take it twice a

DO IT. Tell Mr. he can be above it all, because he’s TALENT.

I relate. As I age, I dessicate. I was resistant to the idea of just straight up pouring oil on myself, vs. cocoa butter lotion. Then I tried Olivella, and I can move my face without cracking into shards. ALL THE GREASE.