Krombopulos Michael

I hear dog is a fine meal.

Welcome to social media then­.

Free-flowing information has blown the baffles out of humanity.

Fucking hell, ENOUGH already with this “viral marketing” bullshit, trying to make the movie seem “controversial” so people will be interested in seeing it.

I’m not sure it was really necessary to refer to the Cuban-born Sabates as a “minority” in this racist headline.

Yes, because cultural appropriation is nonsense. Nobody owns culture. Culture is an amorphous blob of a concept, not something that a specific group of people own all rights to; moreover, we benefit from sharing cultures and experiencing elements of other cultures, rather than every group hoarding it to themselves

I think we all know who is behind this scheme...

What do we as a society do about the fact that blacks and other people of color are more likely to be considered a dangerous threat by police officers that requires the use of deadly force?

In certain places, blacks and Hispanics commit a highly disproportionate amount of crime, especially in major cities. Largely as a

Not to defend him at all but Schefter strikes me as a conservative type and I get the feeling there is a strong minority of conservative sports reporters who actually do feel like Curt Schilling and others were punished for being right-wing. Most of the reporters and broadcasters that seem almost neurotic about

Left wing journalists/sports figures: by all means, inject your political opinions into your coverage.

Maybe a more reputable news agency should be used for information. i.e. Reuters just quoted the IUCN

Socialism tends to require a balance of two things to operate at all, in greater or lesser degree: authoritarianism, and an ethnically and culturally homogeneous population. If you have more of the latter, you can go easier on the former (viz, the Nordic Model). If you do not have an ethnically and culturally

Vin Scully isn’t for everybody. That would be socialism.

Yeah let’s ban cars and knives too since those kill more than guns per year too.

Every mass effect game has a female hero...this one is no different...nothing new here

Next thing you’ll be telling me cocaine and hookers are bad too.

If she said she wants to and they want to why would they choose not to? Why should society expect them to choose not to?

Joe Thornton OWNS and Kevin Paul Dupont can go fuck himself.

Jess Mendoza is a better baseball announcer than Curt Shilling? Baseball? Nice try, Kevin.