A perfect with a Yamcha finish! I dig it.
A perfect with a Yamcha finish! I dig it.
Darkest Dungeon. The menus and everything is so, how you say, esoteric. I got to the part where you were going into your first dungeon like just started the game. I got two new members to my party for a full group of 4, gathered my supplies, and was ready to head in only to find that only 2 of the 4 were actually…
Chrono Cross is great. But not a great Chrono game imo. I think it shines best if you don’t consider Trigger in the equation. Love them both for their own reasons, but don’t care for Cross as a sequel. Doesn’t mean Cross isn’t amazing though.
I get that sense too, that timelines are broken or even collapsed in on one another. It’s a fascinating take.
I’ll say it’s a little odd to showcase a cyberpunk game, a genre so synonymous with neon night life, with an abundance of daylight. Having day and night it great and all, but why not show off some of that good-good nightscape?
I was iffy on the game after they revealed it was first person, and that E3 (was it E3?) trailer didn’t seem all that cyber-punk like to me, seemed more GTA-y with some robotics. It didn’t even show Night City at night? Night life in a city lit by neon signs and futuristic things like holograms and stuff, that’s the…
I don’t give a crap about Fire Emblem, but I welcome any new characters. 7 FE characters is fine, that’s just 7 out of 67 so far. That’s fine. And, hey, there are people out there that truly love these characters as much as I love, say, R.O.B. the robot or the Koopalings. I remember how overjoyed I was to find they…
I’ve heard a lot of European YouTube content creators refer to the NES and SNES as the “Nez” and “Snez”, but I dunno how widespread that is.
I miss her shield. :(
people would rather take a hanzo ult to the face in a zarya gravity thing than take the teleporter you’re trying to tell them to take
Can confirm people are still super mean if you pick Symmetra, even if you do well and help the team consistently.
oh good, they finally added character models
that was probably a good call. should’ve been caught and changed in production, but at least they realized the implications at some point.
i thought that was an evil yamcha and got really excited. seeing it’s actually broly makes me disappointed and sad. lame.
Thanks, I hate it.
Been watching the series on Toonami and I LOVED the first and second arcs. They were so good, the tension was continuously building, and always unique and exciting. This Stardust Crusaders arc that I’ve heard is the best ever has been so disappointing to me. It’s dragged on, tension is barely there, and I’ve losted…
Or maybe just stop being a whiny little baby and accept the fact that some people want to take steps to end hate. Reporting hate will help make a better environment for everyone to enjoy. Facing the problem by doing something about it is more essential than downright letting the hate fester and doing nothing about it.