
You’re fucking high. DBGT was GARBAGE. I’ve been a fan of DBZ for roughly 18 years now and if you think DBGT is even remotely close to DBS, you haven’t watched DBS. The first 30 or so episodes are super meh, but it gets WAY better. The current arc is 10/10 imo.

Didnt that poor dude who sang the theme song do it for like, only $100 and a pat on the back or some shit? IIRC he hardly got anything out of singing one of the most iconic showtunes of all time lol

“Goku goes into this form during a battle with Jiren after emerging from a crater caused by an overpowered explosion.”

You mean caused by a fucking SPIRIT BOMB.

Serval is the cutest character from 2017 by far and i dont even care for the show, tbh. Just the characters.

That scene with vegeta and goku, legit every time I watch it, english or japanese, it gives me the most insane goosebumps.

I’m okay with this.

It’s such a cancerous shitpost/treat each other like shit fest, but man, once you get the hang of it, REALLY good times can be had.

leave it to nintendo to give a cease and desist to this guy too

Im fucking crying. RIP bug, GG Kirk.

HEY! There’s nothing wrong with fucking virtual cat girls!

In this scenario i can see the problem, but please specify.

Invest in Bitcoins, you fools!

I ordered one of those once and it was legit like half that size.

I feel like I would feel like complete shit after eating that much ground beef. lol

Xfactor and JackFrags play together often, Xfactor has a YT in the 300k’s in terms of subs and he’s excellent as well.

im just saying, dont get discouraged if the first book is a little boring.

If you all dont mind reading them on a tablet, or your phone, all of the books can be found on on Google Play/iTunes/Amazon.

They get much better than Last Wish. I found the first book to be pretty boring, but it picked up quickly and got really really good really fast. Highly recommend reading all 8.

It isn’t, I’ve read all 8 in english and loved them! Such an amazing series!

The games are loosely but still pretty closely based on the books. The main essential story is roughly the same, though the games have more delicious filler imo. If the new series does the same things with the books that the games did, expect an amazing series.

SAME!!! And dont you dare leave one touch payments enabled or those little green boxes to buy more lives look like free continues, especially to the ones who cant read and you can end up out hundreds of dollars if you’re not monitoring them the whole time they’re playing. Mobile games are such cancer. I would much