Battlecar Compactica

The commercials and write-ups for this remind me of Seinfeld talking about the dentist who converts to Judaism for the jokes.

Gone are the mall Nazis, but Hitler (Noah Taylor) remains in Hell, where he appears to be taking a business meeting with none other than Jesus Christ.

If I remember right he gets a voice-over near the very end which reveals that he’s gone on to college as exactly the sort of inoffensive doofus he was in high school. I.e., like the other main characters he pretty much gets what he deserves based on his personality.

SPOCK’S SISTER: Mr. Pennyworth, we are on the same side. It is illogical for us to fight one another.

You’re exactly the kind of person they’re targeting with this Cats viral marketing campaign!

Why not both?

Brad Pitt’s Roy McBride discovers his father, Clifford (Tommy Lee Jones), who presumably vanished during a journey to Neptune, isn’t actually dead.

You’ll have to wait and see!

It’s the worst civil engineering disaster since the Jeff and Beau Bridges Bridges collapsed into the Frankie Valli Valley!

Not anymore--you can’t argue with money and the name’s been changed to the Michael Bay Bay.

She killed him for the insurance payout.

There are a few things to consider here, chief of which is that it’s ultimately up to Tarantino to decide when and how to end his filmmaking career.

The Indians are first alphabetically, though.

“I need your cleats, your bats, and your Dallas Keuchel.”


(I know I’m in danger of becoming a Werner Herzog quote gimmick account, but really, this film seems to call for it.)

Tim Salmon:  the second-best Angel outfielder named after a fish.

Lucius Fox was so preoccupied with whether or not he could, he didn’t stop to think if he should!

Clooney Batman:  Con--nipples on the Batsuit.  Pro--not implicated in genocide.

Everyone knows that the best Batman is a city in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey and the capital of Batman Province. It lies on a plateau, 540 meters (1,772 feet) above sea level, near the confluence of the Batman River and the Tigris.