
This dude giving a backwards white power symbol? Or is it “P-D”?

Ugh. Hate to hear this about McCain, but I’m not surprised.

Cop skeleton key?

Not too much discussion of the racial identities here. Would she have blown away a white man who answered the door? I knew 100% clicking on this that “the man who lived there” was black.

It’s like an audition tape for Mississippi Burning recorded on a Dictaphone. Except way too over the top and stereotypical to actually get the role. 

Oh and RE Oscar hopeful: Oscar campaigns are so damn expensive that making the movie in and of itself isn’t enough. The ones with the cash prevail

That’s partly true but in the case of the movies above, they’re independent productions so it’s not a case of making movies for anything less than full-blooded passion and conviction. sure a studio can fast-track Dante’s Peak but competing in the independent field just doesn’t happen in that way. far more likely to

Just more queer films full stop (i.e. we don’t need a quota of 1 per year, or 1 female fronted film per year - call me by your name and ladybird respectively for last year). also, trust underrepresented people to tell the stories they are mad passionate about; trust that audiences will respond to that passion.

Yeah but the point is that Boy Erased happened because of the white director for a far bigger budget and the promises of awards-campaigns for the stars – and an in-place distribution deal. 

Super fucking worried. What direct action do we take? When the vast majority of humanity is on a suicide mission of cow farts and cheap cotton. Whadda we do?

On a similar note, I’d recommend The American Conservative (where Rod Dreher is a columnist) for general insights into the right. Tabasco takes, for sure. But without the sheer fascist intent of Breitbart.

For everyone talking about the relative distribution models between handing friends a copied cassette tape and hosting torrents – it’s not scale that’s the issue.

I’m all for gun control: I think it would genuinely save lives because the less access an angry person has to a machine that kills people (like the Harry Potter “put-outer” that magically turns off lamps) the better.

Coming back late to this, but how the fuck do you know what I do for a living?

Yeah but there's a world of difference between "retouching", which one might engage in to get rid of dust, change exposure and paint out wardrobe malfunctions and in full on Photoshop terrorism.

Hey, if you had thought of having the chutzpah to charge $160,000 a day to take disposable-camera pics while still having time to remember to be rapey, maybe society would hand you its chastity belt keys too.

Without meaning to throw a barb out there, because evidently I'm here and reading this thread myself.